Airbnb Accept Trip Invitations Not Working – Solving The Problem

So, you’re all set for your next travel and waiting for an Airbnb trip invitation. But then it happens – the “Accept Trip Invitation” button refuses to cooperate.

Airbnb Accept Trip Invitations Not Working – How to Solve It

It is a common problem for travelers, and we are here to help you without getting involved in technical stuff. This article will guide you on what to do in the same situation.

What to Do if Trip Invitations Not Working?

Here’s what you can do if the trip invitation in Airbnb is not working:

Check Your Internet Connection

Before you delve into more complex solutions, start with the basics. The “Accept Trip Invitation” may not work without a poor internet connection. Make sure that you have a strong internet connection.

Switch to a Different Network

If you can access an alternative Wi-Fi network or mobile data, try connecting to it. A different network might resolve the issue. Sometimes, a fresh network can provide the stability you need.

Bandwidth Consideration

In addition to stability, consider the available bandwidth. Having high-definition videos, large downloads, or concurrent users on the same network is not ideal.

It can use a significant portion of your bandwidth. It leads to slower internet speed.

Reducing bandwidth-heavy activities when you’re about to accept a trip invitation can help ensure smoother connectivity.

Wi-Fi Signal Strength

Apart from the network’s reliability, signal strength is crucial. If you have a weak signal, it can interrupt your connection. It can also affect your ability to interact with websites and applications.

You can reposition your router for better coverage or try to extend it with the help of Wi-Fi range extenders.

Mobile Data Usage

If you’re using mobile data, pay attention to your data plan. Data caps can interfere with your internet experience. Ensure sufficient data is available to avoid interruptions or consider switching to Wi-Fi.

Log In to Your Airbnb Account

Now, let’s focus on your Airbnb account. Sometimes, issues can arise due to incorrect login credentials or account-related problems. Here’s how you can address this:

Double-check Your Credentials

Make sure you’ve typed in the correct email and password. Making typos or forgetting your password happens to the best of us.

We’ve all been in a situation where we’re trying to remember the right mix of letters and numbers.

Account Settings

Review your account settings. If you changed your email address or phone number, ensure your account accurately reflects these changes.

Sometimes, a simple discrepancy can lead to a frustrating experience. Keep your information current to prevent potential problems.

Use the Airbnb Mobile App

Airbnb Accept Trip Invitations Not Working – How to Solve It

If you’ve been trying to accept the trip invitation through a web browser, consider switching to the Airbnb mobile app. It’s designed to work seamlessly on your smartphone. Here’s what to do:

Download the App

If you haven’t already, go to your app store, search for the Airbnb app, and download it to your smartphone.

This app is designed with mobile users in mind, making it a user-friendly tool that suits your device perfectly.

Accept the Invitation on the App

After installing the app, please open it and attempt to accept the trip invitation through the app. It might work more smoothly as mobile apps are optimized for your device.

Plus, it provides a streamlined experience tailored to your smartphone’s capabilities.

Consider Alternative Methods

Use the Email Link

Airbnb allows you to accept trip invitations via email links. The button within the app or website can cause trouble. In this case, open the email and click the “Accept the Invitation” link.

Sometimes, taking the detour can be the quickest route to success. It’s a handy workaround that can save the day.

Try a Different Device or Browser

The problem may be connected to your device or web browser. Try using another device or a different web browser to see if it works. It might work like a charm.

Different devices and browsers can have different issues, and the problem might not be present on an alternative option. This simple switch can save you from frustration.

Password Managers and Auto-fill Features

Password managers and browser auto-fill features can be incredibly convenient. They store your login credentials and automatically populate login fields. However, they can sometimes introduce issues.

Outdated Credentials

If your password manager or the feature automatically filling in your details has old or wrong information, it might not log you incorrectly.

Be sure to check and update your stored credentials. If needed, enter your login details by hand.

Browser Compatibility

Password managers and auto-fill features can sometimes be browser-dependent.

Ensure that your preferred browser works seamlessly with your chosen password manager. If you encounter issues with one browser, try another.

Caching and Cookies

Web browsers store data through caching and cookies to enhance your browsing experience. However, they can sometimes lead to conflicts with website functionality, including the “Accept Trip Invitation” button.

Clear Cache and Cookies

Airbnb Accept Trip Invitations Not Working – How to Solve It

Regularly clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can resolve issues related to stored data.

The process varies depending on your browser but usually involves accessing your browser’s settings and privacy options.

Once you’ve cleared the cache and cookies, revisit the Airbnb website and try accepting the trip invitation again.

Operating System Updates

Remember that maintaining your device’s operating system, Airbnb app, and browser is vital. It also includes your computer’s operating system (Windows or MacOS) and your mobile device (Android or iOS).

System Compatibility

Airbnb’s app and website updates are often optimized for the latest operating systems. You might encounter compatibility issues if you’re using an older version of your device’s OS.

Updating your OS can resolve these issues and enhance your digital experience.

Antivirus and Security Software

Most of the time, security is crucial to keep your device safe. But you need to know that sometimes, it affects how websites and apps work.


Most security software allows you to create a whitelist of trusted websites and applications. Adding Airbnb to your whitelist can help ensure your security software doesn’t block any critical functions while using the platform.

Temporary Disabling

If you’re comfortable with it, temporarily turn off your antivirus or security software and attempt to accept the trip invitation. Remember to re-enable it after completing your task to maintain your device’s security.

Using the Airbnb Resolution Center

The Airbnb Resolution Center is a helpful tool for resolving issues between hosts and guests. If you’ve tried all the steps mentioned above and still can’t accept a trip invitation, it might be time to escalate the issue.

Contact Airbnb Support

Through the Resolution Center, you can contact Airbnb’s support team. The support can start investigating the issue and identify the cause of your difficulties.

They can also assist you in solving your problem. Remember to describe the problem in detail for them to help you immediately.


It’s normal to feel annoyed when Airbnb’s “Accept Trip Invitation” button doesn’t work as it should. But you don’t have to worry because there are simple ways and guides to get you back on track.

It is possible by organizing your upcoming travel without any delays. You can have trouble-free travel if you understand your internet connection and browser capabilities.

Lastly, you can have a good experience with Airbnb as seamlessly as possible.