Turning Off Airbnb Split Stays – All You Needed to Know

One of the popular travel trends nowadays is the choice to split your stay. In this way, you will get to experience different accommodations within just one single trip.

Turning Off Airbnb Split Stays - All You Needed to Know

Travelers who want to explore other cultures of multiple destinations may find this option appealing.

Whether you are looking to spend a few nights in a beautiful city and then in the peaceful countryside or the vibrant neighborhoods, it’s possible.

Split stay makes it easy for you to embrace the diversity and uniqueness of every location. This article will explore exactly what a split stay is, whether you can turn it off, and the alternatives for splitting your stay.

How does Split Stay Work?

Split stays allow you to book multiple accommodations for different periods within the same trip.

For example, if you plan to spend a week in London, you can book three nights in one apartment and four nights in another in St. Albans.

If you are a traveler fond of experiencing life in different neighborhoods, this option might offer flexibility in travel plans. The split stay feature automatically appears in your search results for a week or more dates.

It will come out in the All-Listings option to split your trip between two nearby listings.

The Hassle of Split Stays

Split stays might seem convenient, but it’s not for everyone. Logistics can be involved in moving from one accommodation to another and can be frustrating if you are a heavy backpacker.

It can also be challenging if the two accommodations are far apart. It might consume your time that could be better spent exploring the destination.

Another drawback of split stays is the potential for miscommunication or issues with the hosts. Note that each accommodation has different rules, check-in processes, and expectations.

It might make you overwhelmed or frustrated, especially when there are problems during your stay. Coordinating with multiple hosts is very challenging, especially when you have inquiries.

Can You Turn Off Split Stays?

Unfortunately, Airbnb does not currently have an option where you can turn off split stays. It is the main problem of many Airbnb users because their request to turn off this feature still needs to be solved.

There is currently no official post about the option on how to turn off split stays on the platform.

What To Do if Airbnb Does Not Have the Option to Turn Off Split Stay Yet?

If Airbnb does not currently offer the option to turn off split stays, here are ten alternative solutions you can consider:

Message the Host

Turning Off Airbnb Split Stays All You Needed to Know

Don’t hesitate to communicate with the host and explain your situation so they can offer you the best option.

If you want, you can ask them if they would be willing to make an exception to book a shorter state without needing the option for a split stay.

Look for Extended Stay

Instead of booking multiple accommodations, search for extended stay listings. Many hosts are open to negotiating longer stays and may be willing to accommodate your request.

Choose to extend your stay in a single accommodation instead of booking shorter stays. Through this, you can avoid the hassle of moving between different accommodations.

Book a Flexible Cancellation Policy

Look for listings with flexible cancellation policies. The benefit of a reasonable cancellation policy is that you can cancel the remaining nights whenever you decide to shorten your stay without fearing penalties.

Discuss with Airbnb Customer Support

Contact Airbnb customer support and explain your preference for booking consecutive stays without split stays. They can provide guidance or offer alternative solutions.

Plan Your Itinerary Carefully

To avoid splitting your stay, it is best to plan your itinerary in the first place. Find accommodations nearby or within the same area to reduce travel time and logistics.

Look for listings that are in the same building or complex. This way, you can book multiple accommodations, making the transition between stays more convenient.

Use Multiple Booking Platforms

Consider using multiple booking platforms to find accommodations for different periods of your trip. This way, you can book consecutive stays without relying solely on Airbnb.

Explore Alternative Accommodation

You may explore other alternative accommodations, including serviced apartments, vacation rentals, or guest houses. These kinds of accommodations are more likely to offer flexibility in booking duration.

How Do I Know if Airbnb Split Stay Is Suitable for Me?

Determining if Airbnb split stays are suitable for you depending on your travel style and personal preferences. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if split stays are a good fit for your travel plans:

Flexibility in Exploring Multiple Areas

If you want to explore different neighborhoods or places within the chosen destination, a split stay might be an advantage. It is one of the best ways to travel with flexibility.

Desire for Variety in Accommodations

Turning Off Airbnb Split Stays - All You Needed to Know

A split stay might be a good choice if you enjoy different lodging choices and multiple accommodations. During your trip, it can be your opportunity to experience cozy apartments and stylish villas.

Comfort With Logistics and Moving

Consider your comfort level with logistics and moving between accommodations.

If you are okay with checking out and into one accommodation, packing and unpacking, and coordinating with the host, then opting for a split stay might be good.

If everything about it doesn’t seem to be a hassle, you can go for it.

Length of Stay

The duration of your trip can influence the feasibility of split stays. Moving between accommodations may affect your time, especially if you’re busy, and it can be a hassle if you find it exhausting.

On the other hand, you can split the stay if you have a more extended trip if you want your travel to be smooth.

Travel Priorities

Consider your travel preferences and priorities. Some travelers prefer a more settled and consistent experience, staying in one place for the entire trip.

Others enjoy the excitement of exploring different accommodations and neighborhoods. Reflect on your preferences and what type of travel experience aligns with your desires.

Budget Considerations

Split stays can impact your budget, as you may need to pay cleaning fees, additional booking fees, or transportation costs between accommodations.

Evaluate if the benefits of split stays outweigh the potential extra expenses and if it fits within your travel budget.

Communication and Organization Skills

Split stays require effective communication with hosts, managing check-in and check-out times, and keeping track of logistics.

If you are comfortable coordinating multiple accommodations and organizing your travel plans, split stays can be manageable.


Split stays on Airbnb can be a smart option for a flexible way of traveling and exploring different tourist attractions in one trip.

On the other hand, the option to turn off the split stay feature is currently unavailable on the platform. While this can be frustrating, hold tight; you can always plan your travel to keep your stay manageable.

Communicate with your hosts and analyze your comfort level when splitting your stay. Carefully review the terms and conditions in each listing to clarify and align with your preferences.

Also, alternative solutions provided by this blog can help you plot your travel plans more effectively in the future.