How To Block A Person on Airbnb [Guide]

In today’s fast-paced world, Airbnb changes how people travel and host guests. While most Airbnb experiences are positive, occasionally, you may encounter a situation where you must block a guest or host.

How To Block A Person on Airbnb

Depending on the situation, impolite behavior, uncomfortable interactions, or concerns about safety and privacy are some causes.

We will guide you through the process of properly blocking someone on Airbnb, whether you’re a guest or a host. We also added informational tips and essential things you should know after blocking someone.

How to Block a Guest on Airbnb (For Hosts)

Blocking someone on Airbnb, whether a guest or a host, is easy. It can help you maintain a safe and comfortable environment for your travels or hosting experiences.

We have broken down the simple steps for guests and hosts planning to block someone. Some hosts may block a guest when they exhibit disrespectful behavior.

Others may block guests who are sending spam messages to the host. A few reasons are when the property is not available anymore for booking.

If you’re an Airbnb host and you need to block a guest, follow the following tips:

1. Log In to Your Airbnb Account

You must visit the Airbnb website or open the app and log in to your host account.

2. Access Your Inbox

Find the “inbox” and click it; you will see it in the navigation menu. It will take you to your message conversations with guests.

3. Find the Guest’s Conversation

Go through your conversations and scroll down to find the one with the guest you want to block. Click to open the conversation.

4. Block the Guest

You must find the guest’s name within the conversation, and a menu will appear. Then click to select the option “Block.”

5. Confirm the Block

A confirmation will appear to confirm your decision. If you want to block someone, click “Block” again finally.

Blocking a guest prevents them from sending messages, booking your property, or submitting new reservation requests. It will give you peace of mind over who stays at your place.

At the same time, it will lessen the violation done inside your property. Especially if the guest is intimidating another guest. Blocking may help the situation.

How to Block a Host on Airbnb (For Guests)

How To Block A Person on Airbnb

Some guests block a host if they are unreachable and take too long to respond to an inquiry. Others find blocking the best option when they don’t feel safe by the host.

If you’re an Airbnb guest and need to block a host, the process is quite similar:

1. Log In to Your Airbnb Account

Access the Airbnb website or app and log in to your guest account.

2. Access Your Inbox

Click on the “Inbox” icon in the navigation menu to access your message conversations with hosts.

3. Locate the Host’s Conversation

Find the conversation with the host you want to block and click on it to open the conversation.

4. Block the Host

Hover your mouse over the host’s name within the conversation. A menu will appear; select “Block.”

5. Confirm the Block

Airbnb will ask you to confirm your decision. Click “Block” again to complete the process.

You can block a host if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable with the host’s behavior. It will help to stop them from contacting you, responding to your inquiries, or booking your stay.

If the host also tends to cancel reservations at the last minute. Blocking may be the right solution to avoid future booking conflicts and disruptions.

Tips for a Successful Blocking Process

It is essential to think twice before blocking someone. Sometimes, when our anger evaporates, the easiest thing we can do is block someone immediately. However, if you have the reasons for doing so, then it is not incorrect.

The following are helpful tips for successfully blocking someone, whether a host or a guest

Consider Communication First

Before blocking, try addressing any issues or concerns through polite communication. Misunderstandings can often be resolved through discussing the situation.

You may consult with the host about the problem or share your disapproval of something without sounding rude.

Document Any Issues

If the situation escalates or you feel unsafe, document any inappropriate messages or actions as evidence. This way, you have proof that the host is harassing or intimidating you.

It is the same as if the guest violates the rules and regulations inside the property.

Report Unwanted Behavior

In addition to blocking, use Airbnb’s reporting feature to inform the platform of any severe issues. It helps maintain safety for all users.

Some problems range from personal attacks, discrimination, sexual harassment, name-calling, etc. The host or guest may be banned from the Airbnb platform by reporting such a thing.

Be Mindful of Rebooking

Blocking someone does not automatically cancel existing reservations. Ensure you handle any existing bookings appropriately through Airbnb’s reservation management tools.

Speaking to the host and settling the issue is better than blocking immediately.

Things to Know About Blocking on Airbnb

How To Block A Person on Airbnb

There are essential things you should know when blocking someone. Whether a host is trying to block a guest who is troublesome or a guest who wants to block an irresponsible host.

Blocking should be done in the right way without affecting others. This action should be thought of multiple times.

Safety concerns, privacy violations, cancellation issues, and failure to address problems are some issues between the host and the guest.

Resolving disputes should be the priority when facing such a scenario. The host and guest should follow Airbnb policies and guidelines for safety and comfort.

Please do so to avoid chaotic conversations and agreement.

1. Blocking is Mutual

When you block someone, they can also not contact you through the Airbnb platform. It’s a two-way restriction.

So think twice; maybe you are mad after the misunderstanding and decided to unblock someone. It will affect your business if you’re a host or a guest renting for accommodation.

2. Blocked Users Can Still See Your Listing

While blocked users cannot message or book you, they can still see your listing if it’s public. If privacy is a concern, try adjusting your listing’s visibility settings.

3. Unblocking is Possible

If you later decide to unblock someone, you can do so through your Airbnb settings. It is good because once you choose to be on good terms with someone and settle the issue, you can still reconnect with them.

4. Airbnb’s Anti-Discrimination Policy

Blocking should not be used for discriminatory reasons. Airbnb’s policies prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, and other protected characteristics.

These are not valid reasons for blocking someone or a group of people.


Blocking someone on Airbnb is unavoidable; we need it as a safe precaution. It is essential to maintain a comfortable experience for both guests and hosts.

Knowing how to block someone gives you a sense of security and peace of mind. Remember that before blocking someone, it is essential to communicate first to resolve the problem.

Blocking is only the last step. Reporting any severe issues to Airbnb is also a must. When you block someone, it is a mutual action, and users can still see your listing if it’s public.

Keep these tips and guidelines as a tool to experience a positive Airbnb experience for everyone.