Airbnb Host Asking Me for Passport Photo – What Should I Do?

Airbnb has become a popular platform for people to find accommodation when traveling. However, the host sometimes asks you for additional information, such as a passport photo.

Airbnb Host Asking Me for Passport Photo - What Should I Do?

It can be of great concern to those unfamiliar with Airbnb’s policies.

In this article, we will discuss what you should do if an Airbnb host asks for a passport photo, why hosts might ask for one, and what to do if you are uncomfortable sharing this information.

Why Do Airbnb Hosts Ask for a Passport Photo?

You may encounter situations where the host requests additional information like your passport photo.

There is a possibility that some guests may be hesitant or uncomfortable sharing this information, so Airbnb host asking for a passport photo is not uncommon.

Hosts must always verify their guests’ identities to ensure that their properties are not rented out to fraudsters or scammers.

The host may need to confirm your identity by asking for a government-issued identity card or driver’s license.

They may also ask for a passport photo to ensure that the person who made the reservation is the person who shows up at the property.

Guest’s passport photos also help Airbnb hosts to remember who their guests are, especially if they have multiple guests coming and going.

What to Do if an Airbnb Host Asks You for a Passport Photo

If an Airbnb host asks you for a passport photo, you have the right to refuse to provide the picture.

However, the host may cancel your reservation if you decline, because they have the right to do so.

When the cause is legitimate, such as verifying your identity or helping the host remember who you are, then providing the picture may be in your best interest.

If you are uncomfortable sharing this information, contact Airbnb’s customer service to discuss your concerns.

What Are the Risks of Sharing My Passport Photo with an Airbnb Host?

Sharing a passport photo with an Airbnb host can be risky, especially if the host is not legitimate.

If the host is a fraudster or scammer, they could use your passport photo to commit identity theft.

Besides, Airbnb scammers could use your photo to create fake documents, which could be used to commit crimes in your name.

Verify that the host is legitimate and that the request for a passport photo is reasonable before sharing any personal information.

How to Verify an Airbnb Host’s Legitimacy

Before sharing personal information with an Airbnb host, verify that it is legitimate. The following are some steps you can take to ensure that your host is trustworthy:

Check the Host’s Reviews

One of the best ways to determine whether a host is trustworthy is by checking their reviews. Look for hosts with high ratings and positive reviews from previous guests.

Airbnb Host Asking Me for Passport Photo - What Should I Do?

Check the Host’s Profile

Look at the host’s profile and ensure they have provided enough information about themselves. Hosts who are transparent about their identity and their property are more likely to be legitimate.

Contact the Host

Reach out to the host and ask them questions. Legitimate hosts will be happy to answer your questions and provide additional information to help identify anything you want.

Check Airbnb’s Verification System

Airbnb has a verification system that requires hosts to provide a government-issued ID and other personal information. Check to see if your host has completed this process.

What Are Airbnb’s Policies on Personal Information?

Airbnb has policies to ensure that personal information is collected, processed, and used transparently and securely.

Here are some of their policies regarding your personal information:

  • Purpose of Collecting Personal Information: Airbnb collects personal information from hosts and guests for several reasons, including facilitating bookings, communicating with users, and providing customer support. Airbnb may also use personal information to comply with legal requirements or to pursue its legitimate interests, such as preventing fraud and ensuring user safety.
  • Types of Personal Information Collected: Airbnb collects a range of personal information from its users, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, payment information, and government-issued identification documents. Hosts may also provide additional information, such as home addresses and photographs of their listings.
  • Sharing Personal Information: Airbnb may share personal information with third-party service providers, such as payment processors and customer support platforms, to facilitate bookings and provide customer support. Airbnb may also share personal information with regulatory authorities or law enforcement agencies if required by law.
  • User Control over Personal Information: Airbnb allows users to access and modify their personal information and delete their accounts if they choose to do so. Airbnb also allows users to control the types of messages they receive from the platform.
  • Security Measures: Airbnb takes several measures to protect personal information, including encrypting data in transit and at rest, implementing access controls, and regularly monitoring systems for potential security breaches.
  • Compliance with Data Protection Laws: Airbnb is committed to complying with various data protection laws, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD). Airbnb has also certified its compliance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.

Airbnb users can control their personal information, and Airbnb is committed to complying with various data protection laws.

However, as a user, it is vital to be cautious about providing personal information to third parties and only to provide information necessary for using the platform.

Users should consider whether they feel comfortable providing that information if a host asks for personal information beyond what is essential for the booking process.

What to Do If You Suspect Fraud or Scam

If you suspect an Airbnb host is engaging in fraudulent activity, report the issue to Airbnb immediately.

Contact Airbnb’s customer service team, who will investigate the matter and take appropriate action such as canceling the reservation or offering you a Contact Airbnb.

Airbnb Host Asking Me for Passport Photo - What Should I Do?

The following are some steps you can take if you suspect fraud or a scam:

  • Gather Evidence: If you suspect fraudulent activity, gather any evidence that may be useful in the investigation. This could include screenshots of messages, receipts, or any other documentation related to your reservation.
  • Cancel the Reservation: If you feel uncomfortable staying at the property, you can cancel your reservation and request a refund. However, it is essential to note that Airbnb’s cancellation policy will apply, so you may not be eligible for a full refund.
  • File a Police Report: If you believe you have been the victim of a scam or fraud, you can file a report with the local police. You may help to track the perpetrator and prevent future Airbnb scams.


When an Airbnb host asks for a passport photo, remember that you have the right to refuse.

While hosts may have valid reasons for requesting additional personal information, they are not allowed to ask for data irrelevant to the booking or that violates Airbnb’s policies.

Contact Airbnb’s customer support for assistance if you are unsure about a host’s request or feel uncomfortable providing personal information.

You can have a safe and enjoyable experience on the platform by being aware of your rights as a guest and following Airbnb’s policies.