Airbnb Host Asking for Driver’s License: What Should I Do?

Did an Airbnb host ask for your driver’s license? While this may have caught you off guard, it is not an uncommon practice, so don’t be scared.

Airbnb Host Asking for Driver’s License What Should I Do

Many hosts want to ensure the safety and security of their properties by verifying the identities of their guests. It’s natural to have concerns about sharing sensitive information.

In this article, we’ll highlight the reasons for this request, alternatives to the driver’s license, and how you can ensure your privacy and safety while complying with the host’s requirements.

Don’t panic; we’ve got you covered.

Why Do Hosts Request IDs?

You may be wondering why an Airbnb host is asking for your driver’s license. While it may feel unsettling to share your personal information, it’s pertinent to understand some of the reasons behind this request.

Verification of Identity

It’s important to note that Airbnb started giving hosts the option to request IDs from guests in 2013. Guests see Airbnb as a trusted brand, and they try to maintain that image.

As long as the host has already been verified by the platform, such a person can issue a verification request to the guest. So, this is not a new trend.

Since Airbnb is a platform with over 150 million users, it’s paramount for it to provide trust between hosts and guests.

The host is probably asking for your license because they want to ascertain that you are who you claim to be. This helps prevent fraudulent bookings.

Security and Trust

Hosts do not just consider their home a property; they hold it dear and would always want to ensure its safety.

Requesting IDs is an extra layer of security that helps them feel at ease. When the host requests verification, it is handled by Airbnb, which then notifies you of the development.

Compliance With Local Laws

Your Airbnb host can ask for an ID in person upon check-in if it is a requirement in his or her house rules, or if it is a requirement under applicable local laws.

In certain jurisdictions, hosts are required to collect identification information from guests. By asking for your ID upfront, this host will be able to comply with these regulations.

For instance, in Spain, accommodation providers must collect certain information from their guests. This information includes the individual’s name, date of birth, nationality, and passport details.

Airbnb Host Asking for Driver’s License What Should I Do

When they obtain this information, they have to report guest details to the police within 24 hours.

Your driver’s license has a lot of key information about you. If the wrong person obtains it, such a person can use the information therein to steal your identity and also apply for credit card loans in your name.

Since 2017, over 150 million US drivers have had their information compromised. So you need to be careful of the people you give access to your driver’s license.

If your Airbnb host is asking you to give him or her your driver’s license, please note that there are other means of identification you can present.

Alternatives to a Driver’s License

Your privacy is important, and you need to protect your sensitive information. If the wrong person obtains your information and uses it for a scam, this could ruin your reputation.

If you feel uncomfortable sharing your driver’s license, there are other alternative documents. Below are the alternatives:

  • National Identity Card: This must include your name, photograph, and date of birth.
  • Passport: This must include the numbers located at the page button.
  • Any bill where payment reflects your electricity bills, bank bills, etc.
  • Voter’s card

You can show the host any document. What matters is that this document contains your name and the relevant address.

Some hosts may even ask you to show them your social media pages. You should never send your details or any document to the host by email, as this is very risky.

A host’s email can get hacked, and if this happens, a third party would be able to access your personal information. You already know that no one hacks another’s email with good intentions.

Safety Measures to Take

This is an era of data privacy, so it’s not unusual if you’re hesitant to share your personal information. The importance of keeping your personal information secure cannot be overemphasized.

If the host is demanding your driver’s license, below are some safety tips you can follow to ensure that you don’t put your sensitive information at risk.

Airbnb Host Asking for Driver’s License What Should I Do

  • Ensure that this is expressly stated as a requirement in the host’s house rules. A host’s house rules contain guidelines for how the host expects his or her guests to behave when they are staying at the property.
  • Research and verify if this is a requirement in the host’s jurisdiction. This will help you find out if the host just wants your driver’s license.
  • Check other listings within the same location and find out if they also have this requirement. If they don’t, you may want to consider an alternative listing.
  • Check for ratings: While Airbnb has taken measures to ensure your safety, you also need to stay alert. The platform recommends that you read feedback from other guests. Go through these ratings and reviews carefully and find out if anyone experienced any suspicious activity. Doing this will help you determine whether the host is a trustworthy person. Please do not provide such a host with your personal information if you see negative feedback.
  • Ask Questions: The platform has a secure messaging tool that allows you to ask a potential host relevant questions before you book. You can use this medium to inform the host that you do not feel comfortable sharing your driver’s license. Using this tool ensures that all communication remains on the platform and can be monitored. Politely inform the host of your concerns, and tell him or her that you can provide an alternative ID, such as your passport. A legitimate host will understand these concerns and will allow you to provide an alternative means of identification. What matters is that you are not misrepresenting yourself as someone else.
  • Safety Features: Before you consider sharing any document with the host, check if the listing includes safety features like smoke detectors, a first aid kit, and fire extinguishers, among others. Also, inquire about any safety issues. If the host doesn’t provide you with satisfactory answers, please stay away. You have to trust your instincts.
  • Contact Airbnb Customer Support: If you notice that the host’s requests are looking suspicious, please contact customer support and inform them of your concerns.


When an Airbnb host requests your driver’s license, prioritize your safety and privacy. Review the host’s reviews and ratings to gauge their reputation.

Ensure the property has adequate safety measures in place, and communicate openly with the host about your concern about sharing your driver’s license.

Familiarize yourself with the local laws of the state where the property is located. It’s crucial to strike a balance between trust and protecting your personal information.

If anything feels suspicious or uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from Airbnb’s customer support. By being proactive and cautious, you can enjoy a secure and enjoyable Airbnb experience.