Airbnb Guest Asking for Discount – What Should I Do?

Airbnb guests asking for discounts is a common occurrence. However, as a host, it’s important to understand how to handle the situation.

Airbnb Guest Asking for Discount–What Should I Do

While offering a lower rate to secure a booking may be tempting, it’s essential to consider the impact. It may affect your bottom line and overall pricing strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore how to handle the situation as well as provide guidelines for evaluating requests and tips for responding professionally and politely.

Whether you’re a seasoned Airbnb host or just starting, the information will help you navigate this common scenario. Also, make informed decisions about your pricing.

Airbnb Guest Asking For Discount Here’s What To Do

Here are some steps to take when responding to a request for a discount:

Be Firm but Stay Polite

The best approach to handle the situation in an Airbnb property is to stay firm but polite.

As an Airbnb host, it is good to understand the local rental market and set your prices accordingly. If you encounter the scenario, you should use the data and market trends.

It will support your position that your prices are fair and competitive.

When responding to their request, it’s crucial to maintain a polite tone while clearly stating that the price is not negotiable.

This approach helps to avoid any confusion or frustration and allows for a smooth resolution to the situation.

Be Prepared with Relevant Information

As a responsible Airbnb host, it is essential to deeply understand the local rental market. It is the basis to set a price that strikes a balance between profitability and affordability.

You can achieve it by gathering data on similar-sized properties in the area. Also ensures that your pricing aligns with the current market trends.

Keeping track of local hotel prices and other Airbnb listings can provide valuable insight and serve as a reference point.

When guests request discounts, particularly for new hosts with limited reservations, it is crucial to maintain confidence and stick to your established pricing.

Having up-to-date information on market trends and seasonal changes will give you the necessary data to support your polite but resolute stance against offering discounts.

By having concrete facts and figures readily available, you can present a well-supported argument. Also, minimize the potential for disagreements.

Airbnb Guest Asking for Discount–What Should I Do

Explain Your Requirements for Discount

When encountering a guest asking for a discount, consider outlining the criteria to receive a discount.

As a flexible Airbnb host, you can present different options to make your listing more appealing. Also, entice guests to book for extended stays or during less busy times.

A positive response, such as “Yes, a discount may be available if you…”, is more inviting and conveys confidence.

Compared to a negative reply like “I’m sorry, I can’t offer you a discount because…”. Maintaining a professional and courteous demeanor in your communication is crucial.

It demonstrates your level of control and assurance in the situation.

Pre-approve The Booking But Say No

When a guest requests a discount, consider saying no but still pre-approving the reservation.

It can help maintain your approval rate and filter out guests trying to save money in a competitive Airbnb market.

Although not accepting a booking doesn’t necessarily have negative consequences, it is recorded on your acceptance rate.

Some Airbnb owners use this tactic when dealing with guests who appear problematic from the start.

Declining their request can prevent them from leaving unfavorable reviews. Even if you provide high-quality hosting and accommodations.

Evaluate the Request

When a guest requests a discount, the host needs to consider the reasons for the request. It can help the host better understand the guest’s needs.

Also, help make an informed decision about whether to offer a discount.

Check if the guest has a valid reason for a discount. For example, some guests may request it due to extenuating circumstances.

Such as a last-minute booking or an extended stay. In such cases, offering a discount may make sense.

To determine if the request is reasonable, a host should consider the request for a discount as appropriate.

Consider factors such as market conditions, demand, and the host’s pricing strategy. For example, if the demand for the property is high, it may not make sense to offer a significant discount.

However, a discount may help attract guests and increase occupancy rates if demand is low.

Offer alternatives; consider offering alternative options to the guest. Such as a more extended stay or booking during off-peak times.

It will show that you are willing to accommodate their needs while maintaining your bottom line.

Airbnb Guest Asking for Discount–What Should I Do

Consider Your Options for Responding to the Request

When faced with a discount request from an Airbnb guest, it’s essential to consider your options before responding. Some factors to consider the following:

  1. Market conditions: Are you operating in a competitive market where discounts are typical or a market where it is rare?
  2. Property type: Is your property a high-end luxury rental or an entry-level budget option?
  3. Booking history: Is the guest a repeat customer with a good track record or a first-time booker with no reviews?
  4. Timing: Does the request happen during a busy peak season or a slow off-peak season?
  5. Your policy: Do you have a firm policy against it, or are you willing to be flexible?

Based on these factors, you can evaluate the request and decide the best course of action. You could choose to decline the request, grant a partial discount, or grant a full discount.

The key is to be professional, courteous, and consistent in your approach. Being consistent in your approach will help you succeed in the business and become an outstanding host.

Politely Decline

If you decide to decline the request, it’s essential to do so politely and professionally. Explain the pricing policy and why you are unable to offer a discount.

Be transparent in explaining the reasons for declining the request in a clear and professional manner. Avoid being confrontational or dismissive, as this could harm your relationship with the guest.

Offer alternative solutions or suggestions, such as booking for a different time when prices may be lower. Be responsive to the request within a reasonable amount of time, preferably within 24 hours.

This will demonstrate your professionalism and promptness. It also shows that you are capable of handling the situation and are a responsible host for attending to your guests promptly.

By approaching the situation professionally and respectfully, you can ensure that your relationship with the guest remains positive. Also, maintain a good reputation as an Airbnb host.


Receiving a request for a discount from an Airbnb guest can be a common occurrence for hosts. Hosts need to understand the Airbnb pricing policy and evaluate each case-by-case request basis.

By considering the reasons for the request, determining if the request is reasonable, offering a compromise, declining the request, or providing additional value or amenities, hosts can provide a great booking experience for guests while still protecting their bottom line.

Hosts should always maintain a professional and polite tone when declining a request for a discount to maintain a positive relationship with the guest.

With these guidelines, hosts can successfully navigate discount requests and run a successful Airbnb business.