Airbnb – Dealing with Guests with No Reviews

You may receive an Airbnb booking request from a guest with no reviews. That does not necessarily indicate that they’re untrustworthy.

Airbnb – Dealing with Guests with No Reviews

They may be new to the platform, stayed with hosts who didn’t leave feedback, or made private bookings.

However, it can be challenging due to safety issues and concerns over property damage.

But don’t worry! In this guide, you’ll discover how to handle bookings confidently from Airbnb guests with no reviews.

Should I Accept an Airbnb Guest with No Reviews?

Reviews are crucial to judging the qualities and values of Airbnb guests. No reviews mean no insight into the guests’ character, which increases the chances of it being a scam.

However, you can do some digging to unravel your guest’s persona.

Who are they? Why did they choose your property? Can they show you their national IDs to cross-check their identity? Who else are they bringing along?

You should ask your Airbnb guest these questions to decide whether you will accept them with no reviews. Give critical consideration to their communication skills.

Are they cooperating? Reject them if they make incoherent remarks or take too long to respond.

I will highlight the best questions for your Airbnb guests with no reviews later. The questions will help you to filter potential scams and secure your property.

But first, let’s take a deep look at ways to deal with guests with no reviews.

How to Deal with Airbnb Guests with No Reviews

I have hosted several first-time Airbnb guests who had no reviews, and everything went well. I gave them top-notch accommodation, and they gave me excellent five-star reviews.

I was honored to be the first to leave them a review.

Follow these steps to minimize risk and ensure a positive experience when dealing with Airbnb guests with no reviews:

Trust Your Gut

Trusting your gut when dealing with Airbnb guests with no reviews is crucial. It is the sense of intuition or instinct that will help you determine whether a potential guest is trustworthy or not.

The guest’s communication style, the information provided in their profile, and the details of their booking request can all contribute to your gut feeling. Listen to this intuition and act accordingly.

However, be mindful of unconscious biases and ensure your decision is not based on discriminatory criteria. That way, you will provide a positive experience for you and your Airbnb guests with no reviews.

Communicate Clearly

It is essential to communicate clearly with guests who have no reviews. Clear communication can help set clear expectations and avoid misunderstandings.

Ask them the questions discussed in the next section to know them better and build trust.

When communicating with guests with no reviews, be clear about your house rules, check-in and check-out times, and other important information.

Give them clear instructions on accessing the property and where to find essential items like keys, linens, and appliances.

That way, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for you and your guests, regardless of their review history.

Airbnb – Dealing With Guests With No Reviews

Verify Airbnb Guest Identity

Verifying the identity of Airbnb guests with no reviews is a critical step in ensuring the safety and security of your property.

Airbnb offers several tools to help hosts verify the identity of their guests, including government ID verification and profile photos.

You can also request additional information from the guest, such as their occupation and the reason for their stay. Ask for references from their previous Airbnb stays or personal contacts.

Identity verification reduces the risk of fraud or malicious activity. Always keep records of all communication and verification steps you’ve taken, just in case any issues arise.

Provide a Great Experience

Providing an excellent experience for Airbnb guests with no reviews is vital to establishing a positive relationship and potentially attracting future bookings.

Ensure your property is clean and well-maintained, with all necessary amenities and supplies readily available.

Leave small touches such as fresh linens, toiletries, and a well-stocked kitchen to make your guests feel at home.

Be responsive to any questions or concerns they may have during their stay and provide recommendations for local attractions and restaurants.

Going above and beyond to provide a memorable experience can increase the chances of receiving a positive review and building trust with the guest.

Embrace the Spirit of Hospitality

Embracing the spirit of hospitality is critical for ensuring a memorable experience for Airbnb guests with no reviews.

Hospitality is about creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for your guests and making them feel at home on your property.

Embrace the spirit of hospitality by being approachable, friendly, and responsive to your guests’ needs. Create a warm and inviting atmosphere that they will appreciate and remember.

The goal of hospitality is to foster positive relationships and build trust with your Airbnb guests.

Airbnb – Dealing With Guests With No Reviews

Adopt a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is a crucial step in successfully managing Airbnb guests with no reviews.

As an expert Airbnb host, you must approach each guest and each experience as an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve your hosting skills.

A growth mindset means embracing challenges and new experiences instead of fearing the unknown.

This approach will help you stay open-minded and responsive to the needs and expectations of guests with no reviews.

Embracing a growth mindset will allow you to continuously improve your property, hosting skills, and overall guest experience.

15 Questions to Ask Airbnb Guests With No Reviews

Here are the top questions to ask Airbnb guests with no reviews:

  1. Have you ever used Airbnb before?
  2. Why don’t you have any reviews on your Airbnb profile yet?
  3. Can you provide a government-issued ID and a clear photo of yourself?
  4. What brings you to the area, and what are your plans during your stay?
  5. Can you explain why you chose my property listing for your stay?
  6. Can you share a little bit about your accommodation experience and background?
  7. Can you provide any references from previous accommodation experiences or your personal and professional network?
  8. Will you be bringing any additional guests during your stay?
  9. Can you provide more information about the group traveling with you, including the names and ages of all guests?
  10. How do you plan on using the Airbnb property during your stay?
  11. What is your estimated arrival and departure time?
  12. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, your interests, and what you like to do in your free time?
  13. Do you have any special requirements or requests?
  14. Have you read and understood the house rules?
  15. Do you have any questions about the listing or the area?


Hosting Airbnb guests with no reviews may be challenging. Still, proper preparation can make it a positive experience.

Trust your gut, communicate clearly, verify the guest’s identity, and adopt a growth mindset.

Asking them the right questions, such as why they lack reviews, their government-issued ID, and requesting references, can also help to ensure your Airbnb safety and security.

Reject them if they make incoherent remarks or take too long to respond.

Have you dealt with Airbnb guests with no reviews before? What happened? Feel free to share your experiences with me in the comments below.