Airbnb Guests Breaking Rules – What To Do

As an Airbnb host, you have to deal with different types of guests. Some are kind and respectful, while others tend to break the house rules.

Airbnb Guests Breaking Rules – What To Do

Whether it’s smoking in the house, making excessive noise, or inviting more people than agreed, rule-breaking guests can be a huge headache.

Such guests can cause damage to your property, create a nuisance for neighbors and potentially damage your reputation on the platform.

In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips and strategies to help you deal with Airbnb guests who break rules.

We’ll cover the most common types of rule violations, prevention, immediate response, and what to do after the incident.

Airbnb Rule Violations

Here Are Some of the Most Common Types of Airbnb Rule Violations:

  1. Noise complaints: Guests may create excessive noise that disturbs your neighbors or other guests. This can be especially problematic if you live in an apartment or in close proximity to other homes.
  2. Overcrowding: Guests may invite more people than the agreed-upon limit or have unregistered guests staying overnight, leading to overcrowding and other issues.
  3. Smoking: Some guests may smoke inside the property, despite a strict no-smoking policy.
  4. Pets: Guests may bring pets without your approval, or not follow your pet policy, which can lead to damage or messes.
  5. Damage to property: Accidental or intentional damage to your property can happen. It’s important to have a plan in place to deal with it.
  6. Illegal activity: Unfortunately, some guests may engage in illegal activities, such as drug use, that can put you and your property at risk.
  7. Violation of house rules: Some guests may violate any of the rules you have set in place, such as check-in and check-out times, kitchen usage or use of amenities.

Prevention and Communication

Prevention is always better than having to deal with a rule violation after the fact. As an Airbnb host, it’s important to set clear rules and expectations from the beginning to prevent misunderstandings or confusion.

Here Are Some Strategies to Help Prevent Rule Violations from Happening:

Setting clear house rules: Ensure that your house rules are clear and easy to understand. You can post them in a visible area, such as the guest room or kitchen.

Make sure that your rules cover all of the potential issues, such as quiet hours, no smoking and maximum occupancy.

Be clear about the consequences of breaking the rules, such as additional fees or cancellation of the reservation.

Communication is key to preventing rule violations. Before your guests arrive, send them a message to welcome them, confirm their arrival time and remind them of your house rules.

Let them know that you are available to answer any questions they may have during their stay. Encourage them to reach out to you if they have any concerns or issues during their stay.

It’s important to be aware of the potential risks that come with hosting on Airbnb. You can set boundaries by specifying areas that are off-limits, such as your personal bedroom or storage areas.

You can also install security cameras in common areas to deter guests from breaking the rules or engaging in illegal activities. Make sure to check with your local laws regarding security cameras.

By setting clear rules, communicating proactively and acknowledging potential risks, you can prevent rule violations from happening in the first place.

However, despite your best efforts, guests may still violate your rules.

Airbnb Guests Breaking Rules – What To Do

Immediate Response to Rule Violations

Despite your best prevention efforts, there may be times when guests break your house rules. When this happens, it’s important to respond quickly and effectively to prevent the situation from escalating.

Here Are Some Tips for Responding to Rule Violations Immediately:

It can be frustrating or even upsetting when a guest violates your house rules. However, it’s important to stay calm and professional when you communicate with them.

Avoid using accusatory or confrontational language, as this can escalate the situation. Instead, approach the situation with a neutral and solution-oriented mindset.

If a guest is violating your house rules, address the issue immediately.

Explain the rule they are violating and remind them of the consequences if they continue to violate it. Ask them to stop the behavior or to leave if they cannot comply with your rules.

It’s important to document the incident if a guest has violated your house rules. Take photos or videos of any damage or rule violations and keep a written record of the incident.

This documentation may be useful if you need to file a claim or take legal action.

Contact Airbnb immediately, if a guest is violating your house rules and you cannot resolve the issue. They have a dedicated support team that can help you with the situation.

Make sure to provide them with all of the relevant information, including photos, videos and a written record of the incident.

If a guest is engaging in illegal activities or is a threat to your safety, it may be necessary to involve law enforcement. Contact your local police department and provide them with all of the relevant information.

Make sure to keep yourself and your other guests safe while you wait for law enforcement to arrive.

By responding immediately and effectively to rule violations, you can prevent the situation from escalating and protect your property and other guests.

Dealing with the Aftermath

Airbnb Guests Breaking Rules – What To Do

After a rule violation incident, you may be left with damage to your property, lost income and a negative experience. After the incident, assess the damage to your property.

Take photos or videos of any damage and document the cost of repairs or replacements.

If the guest caused the damage, consider filing a claim with Airbnb’s Host Damage Protection or Host Liability Insurance.

Leave an honest review after the guest has left. This can help other hosts make informed decisions about whether to accept the guest’s booking.

Be honest and objective in your review and avoid using emotional language or making personal attacks.

If the incident resulted in significant damage or lost income, you may consider taking legal action against the guest. Consult with a lawyer to discuss your options and the best course of action.

Finally, take the time to reflect on the incident and learn from the experience.

Consider whether there are any steps you could have taken to prevent the incident and whether there are any changes you can make to your house rules or communication strategies to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Dealing with the aftermath of a rule violation incident can be challenging, but by taking a proactive and professional approach, you can minimize the impact and learn from the experience.


Rule violations can be a challenging and stressful experience, but by following the steps outlined in this article, you can minimize the risk of incidents and respond effectively if they do occur.

Remember, prevention is key. Set clear house rules, communicate proactively with guests and take steps to prevent rule violations from happening in the first place.

By taking a proactive and professional approach to managing your property and responding to rule violations, you can build a positive reputation and create a welcoming and memorable environment for your guests.