Disputing an Airbnb Charge: A Comprehensive Guide

Airbnb listings are not only cost-effective but also convenient for most travelers. This is because you can choose a listing that best suits your needs.

Disputing Airbnb Charge – Guide

Unlike hotels, Airbnb hosts require you to pay different fees upfront such as cleaning fees and security deposits. They are intended to cover services and damages during your stay.

Unfortunately, some hosts may take advantage and force you to pay for services not rendered or damages not caused. This is where disputing Airbnb charges comes into play.

Ideally, you are either involving your bank, the host, or Airbnb to cancel charges billed on your card. While not a pleasant process, it is necessary if you believe the host is at fault.

How Do You Dispute Airbnb Charge On Resolution Center?

If a host has wrongly charged you for damage or other circumstances, you can dispute this by visiting the Resolution Center.

You’ll have to add a payment method for you to receive a refund if you qualify for one. Besides, you should open a refund request within 60 days after your checkout date.

Airbnb will send the host an email notifying them of your request. Make sure to communicate through Airbnb Messenger.

If you cannot agree, you can always ask Airbnb to be a mediator. The request should be sent within 72 hours for Airbnb to take over.

From here, an Airbnb team member will review the dispute and provide the way forward. If you are not at fault, Airbnb will cancel the charge. Otherwise, you’ll have to foot the charges.

What Happens When You Dispute Airbnb Charge With Your Bank?

After disputing the Airbnb charge with your bank, they will initiate a chargeback process. A chargeback is a payment dispute filed by a customer. It often happens when they realize there is an authorized, unexpected, or incorrect charge on their account.

It is recommended to contact your bank since banks have different processes. The bank will initiate the dispute process, which can take up to 90 days to come up with a solution.

Most banks will temporarily deposit the disputed amount in your account, but you cannot withdraw it.

This is because the money reflected in your account is from your bank and not from Airbnb. If the bank rules against you, the bank will take back the money. If your dispute is successful, you can withdraw the money.

Disputing Airbnb Charge – Guide

During this process, you’ll not be dealing with Airbnb. Rather, you’ll be dealing with your bank directly. At no point will Airbnb interfere with the bank’s decision. As such, you should avoid nagging the host.

What Happens to Your Reservation While a Charge Dispute Is Ongoing?

If you have disputed a charge, Airbnb might cancel your reservation automatically. This means you can still communicate with the host through the Airbnb Messenger app.

This is the recommended channel if you are trying to resolve issues related to your stay.

Airbnb will inform the host of the dispute, allowing them to reach out to you to understand the situation. As you’d expect, your credit card company might temporarily hold the disputed amount as investigations continue.

The Airbnb mediator might rule in your favor or against you. If you choose to cancel your reservation before the dispute is resolved, you might be eligible for a full or partial refund, depending on the policy.

What Resources Do I Have If Airbnb Doesn’t Resolve My Charge Dispute?

If the charge dispute outcome is not satisfactory, you can contact customer support again and provide clear information about your case. You can also provide additional documentation or evidence that supports your claims.

If you are not getting the desired response from regular customer support, you can escalate the case to a higher support level.

Alternatively, you can express your concerns on their social media, email, and other channels.  Often, public visibility prompts a quicker response.

What Happens If You Don’t Pay The Charges?

If you believe you did not cause damages and you have evidence to support your argument, but the host is insisting you did, keep denying it. If unfortunately, Airbnb sides with the host, they’ll still need your consent to charge your card.

Refusing to pay the charges will have Airbnb ban your account, meaning you will not be able to make bookings in the future.

While a rarity, they can involve collection agencies, if the amount owed is high. Otherwise, their insurance will cover the damages.

If You Continue Disputing the Airbnb Charge, Can the Host Sue You?

Well, it is unlikely the host will sue you in court since the whole process is expensive and time-consuming. Besides, the host needs strong evidence showing you causing damage to their property, which they rarely have.

For most hosts, Airbnb insurance is enough to cover the damages. And with the Airbnb Resolution Center, the process becomes more straightforward.

Furthermore, a host cannot sue you directly. They have to involve Airbnb before proceeding to small claims court.

When Should You Dispute an Airbnb Charge?

A few reasons for disputing Airbnb charge include the following:

  • You didn’t take the stay: If you booked a listing and never checked in, you should dispute the charge. Airbnb has several cancellation policies that ensure you get a full refund in such a case.
  • The host canceled your reservation: If a host cancels your reservation at the last minute, you should dispute the charge. You should receive a full refund, according to Airbnb cancellation policies.
  • The host overcharged for the stay or damages: If the host charged you more than the agreed amount, you can dispute the extra fee. Likewise, if they are overcharging you for damages caused, consider disputing the charges through the Resolution Center.

How Can You Avoid Getting Into Charge Disputes?

Disputing Airbnb Charge – Guide

Before booking an Airbnb, read the listing carefully and compare it with others in the same location.

Make sure to understand all the fees that the host charges such as additional guest fees, service fees, and cleaning fees. Ideally, you’d want to book an Airbnb with lenient fees.

You should also consider the state of the property. Read the reviews to gauge how the general experience is. Are there leaks, damages, or worn-out items on the property?

Answering these questions will help you gauge how susceptible the property is to sudden damages.

Notifying the host of any special circumstances can also mitigate disputing Airbnb charges. For example, if you have a pet, it is prudent to let the host know to avoid extra cleaning charges during checkout.

Finally, you should take good care of the property. This means following the house rules and regulations, cleaning items after use, and reporting damages to the host promptly.


Disputing Airbnb charges can be successful if you have strong evidence against the host’s claims. We recommend taking videos and photos when checking in, during the stay, and when checking out.

This enables you to have strong evidence in case you realize the claims are unfounded. If you are at fault, make sure to pay the charges. Otherwise, Airbnb might ban your account, or involve a collection agency, or small claims court.

To avoid unnecessary disputes, take care of your host’s property, report damages immediately, and follow rules and regulations. And if Airbnb sides with you, make sure to inform your bank to initiate a chargeback.