Can Airbnb Have Cameras Outside?

Whether staying in an Airbnb or a conventional hotel room, security is of utmost importance. It is for this reason that most people will book Airbnb listings with cameras outside.

Can Airbnb Have Cameras Outside

Security cameras bolster security and provide peace of mind. They also enable the host to monitor their property remotely.

That said, some guests are uncomfortable booking listings with cameras, claiming that they are intrusive. Airbnb has therefore provided a policy to balance privacy and security.

Besides, the host has to adhere to local rules governing camera installation. So, can Airbnb have cameras outside? Let’s find out.

What Is Airbnb’s Policy On Cameras?

Airbnb encourages the use of cameras outside your property since they provide peace of mind. However, the host should disclose them in their listing description.

Airbnb does not allow the host or anybody else to infringe on a guest’s privacy.

Ideally, the cameras should be placed in public spaces such as a driveway. Airbnb does not allow placing cameras in bedrooms, bathrooms, and other private spaces.

Hosts must also follow local laws and regulations. In some areas, it is prohibited to use cameras even in public spaces.

Other communities require consent from the guest. As such, it is recommended to consult with the local authority. Most hosts will have posting signs informing guests presence of cameras.

If you do choose to install cameras, Airbnb requires that they be in good condition. The footage should not be shared with a third party.

If they find your listing is not complying with their camera policy, they might deactivate your account.

This policy helps balance the need for security and the guest’s privacy. As such, you should avoid placing cameras in prohibited areas and clearly disclose them in your listing.

How Do Guests Feel About Cameras Outside Properties?

Well, the presence of cameras in Airbnb listings continues to elicit debate among guests and hosts.

Some argue that they provide a layer of security for the guests and property. Others say that they are intrusive, making an Airbnb stay uncomfortable.

However, most guests say that they are comfortable booking a listing with clearly disclosed cameras.

Especially those positioned in common areas. Others even say they’d be comfortable with cameras in bedrooms and other private areas.

It is for this reason that Airbnb enforces its camera policy to avoid conflict of interest between the guest and the host.

That said, some guests are uncomfortable booking a property with cameras outside. Fortunately for them, there are many listings without cameras.

What Is the Best Way to Disclose Cameras Outside Your Property?

Disclosure In Your Listing

The most effective way to disclose cameras outside or inside your property is to include them in the listing’s description. In fact, this is Airbnb’s recommended approach. You should also mention the purpose of the security cameras.

Specify Where They Are Positioned

Besides disclosing their presence, you should also specify where they are located. Are they in the backyard? The fence? Or driveway?

This will help guests feel comfortable while walking around your property. Adding posting signs is also an excellent idea to make the guest feel more comfortable.

Disclosure In the House Rules

Besides disclosing in your listing description, you should also reiterate the same on your house rules and regulations. You should let the guests know that there are cameras and that they should not tamper with them.

Adding photos of the exterior cameras and their placement can also the guests understand their need for them. You can also your security cameras in the welcome message.

If possible, offer to show the guests where they are located upon arrival.

Disclosure In the FAQ Section

You can also create an FAQ section in your listing that addresses common camera questions. This bolsters transparency and showcases preparedness to address guest concerns.

Why Do Hosts Install Cameras Outside?

Can Airbnb Have Cameras Outside

To Deter Theft

Like other properties, installing cameras outside an Airbnb property deters theft, trespassing, and vandalism. This ensures their property and the guests are safe.

This is especially true for properties in remote areas or places rife with crime. It is also a way for them to monitor their property when they are not around.

For Evidence

If there’s vandalism or property damage, security cameras outside their property can provide evidence. This can help them get justice quickly while holding the perpetrator liable.

Bolster Accountability

It is not uncommon for guests to engage in mischievous activities, especially on properties without cameras. Installing them outside will prevent the guests from engaging in such activities.

And if they cause damage, the security footage can help identify them, ensuring they pay for the damages.

Compliance With Regulations

Some communities may require homeowners to install outside cameras for safety reasons. And the same applies to Airbnb listings in such areas.

Without them, a host might attract hefty penalties, damage to their reputation, and strained relationships with their neighbors.

Peace Of Mind

Knowing that their property is being monitored can give them peace of mind. The same applies to their guests. Security cameras also deter guests from engaging in risky behavior.

For example, if they have a pool, people are less likely to swim during prohibited hours.

What Should You Consider When Installing Cameras Outside?


When installing cameras outside your Airbnb, you should consider the areas to cover. Ideally, you should install cameras on spots that are vulnerable to trespassing and vandalism. For example, backyards and driveways.

The Types of Cameras

Most hosts prefer wireless CCTV cameras since they can be controlled remotely. Besides, installation is easier, meaning you’ll pay less for installation.

Wide-angle cameras also reduce the number of cameras you need since they can cover a large area.

Local Laws and Regulations

Before installing security cameras on your property, you should be conversant with laws governing security cameras in your state.

Can Airbnb Have Cameras Outside

Regardless of the location, you should notify guests that there are cameras outside the property. Most laws prohibit installation in bathrooms and other private areas.

Technical Details

Another aspect to consider is the camera’s technical details. Can your camera rotate? Can it record HD videos? Does it support cloud storage?

Answering these questions will enable you to choose a camera that best suits your needs.


While most hosts overlook this aspect, it is prudent to have robust documentation. It shows your commitment to follow local rules and regulations.

And in case of any legal dispute, the documentation can serve as evidence of your intention to comply.


So, can Airbnb have cameras outside? The simple answer is yes. Hosts will install security cameras for security reasons. Cameras help deter theft, vandalism, and trespassing.

They also assure the guests that they are in a safe place. Besides, Airbnb encourages hosts to install them outside and in other shared spaces.

That said, you should be wary of hidden cameras outside the property. Most hosts will install them in unassuming places such as birdhouses and fake rocks.

Using a network scanner can help you uncover any hidden cameras. And if you find cameras in private spaces, be sure to inform the host and Airbnb.