Why Your Airbnb Account Is Locked and How to Resolve It

Using Airbnb has become a popular choice for travelers looking for unique and affordable accommodations around the world.

Why is my Airbnb Account Locked Explained + Solutions

However, there are instances when users may encounter issues with their Airbnb accounts, such as sudden lockouts or access restrictions.

This comprehensive blog post will delve into the common reasons why Airbnb accounts get locked.

By understanding these factors, you can take the necessary precautions to ensure the security and longevity of your Airbnb account.

Common Reasons for Airbnb Account Locking

There could be several reasons why your Airbnb account might be locked. Here are some common reasons, along with detailed explanations:

Verification Issues

Airbnb requires users to verify their identities to ensure trust and safety within the community. If your account is locked, it could be due to verification problems.

This might happen if you fail to provide valid identification documents or if the information you provided does not match the records.

Airbnb may lock your account until you successfully complete the verification process.

Suspicious Activity or Security Concerns

Airbnb has security procedures in place to safeguard both hosts and guests in the event of suspicious activity or security worries.

To stop fraud or unauthorized usage, they could temporarily lock your account if their system notices any suspicious behavior, such as repeated failed login attempts.

In such circumstances, Airbnb might contact you to get further details or conduct an inquiry before regaining access.

Violation of Airbnb’s Terms of Service

All users of Airbnb are required to abide by a set of community rules and terms of service.

Your account may be locked if you violate these rules, such as by acting fraudulently, misrepresenting your property, or receiving numerous host or guest complaints.

All users will have a secure and dependable platform thanks to this.

Payment-Related Issues

If your account is experiencing payment-related problems, such as chargebacks, denied payments, or suspicious transactions, Airbnb may temporarily lock your account until the problem is fixed.

This is done to keep the platform’s integrity and to safeguard both parties.

Unauthorized Subletting

Airbnb vehemently forbids subletting or renting out a property you lack the necessary authorization.

So if you violate their regulations, Airbnb may lock your account if there is proof or information that your account has been used for illicit subletting.

This term guarantees that only valid listings are made available to visitors and contributes to maintaining the platform’s integrity.

Cancellation Policy Violation

Airbnb has specific cancellation policies in place that hosts and guests are expected to follow. If you repeatedly cancel bookings without a valid reason or fail to honor your commitments, it can result in account suspension.

This measure ensures that both hosts and guests have a reliable and trustworthy experience on the platform.

Trust and Safety Concerns

Airbnb prioritizes the safety and well-being of its users.

If there are serious trust and safety concerns associated with your account, such as reports of harassment, property damage, or violations of the community standards, your account may be temporarily locked or permanently suspended.

Airbnb takes these matters seriously to maintain a secure environment for everyone involved.

Breach of Host or Guest Conduct Standard

Why is my Airbnb Account Locked Explained + Solutions

Airbnb expects hosts and guests to maintain a certain level of conduct and respect toward each other.

If there are reports or evidence of harassment, discrimination, or other inappropriate behavior associated with your account, Airbnb may take disciplinary actions, including locking your account.

This measure helps foster a positive and inclusive community on the platform.

Solutions to Locked Airbnb Account

If you are locked out of your Airbnb account, there are several steps you can take to regain access. Follow these detailed instructions to regain access to your locked Airbnb account:

Scan Your Devices for Malware

Malware or keyloggers on your devices could have contributed to the security breach.

Run a comprehensive scan using reputable antivirus software to detect and remove any malicious programs.

Afterward, make sure to keep your devices updated with the latest security patches to prevent future vulnerabilities.

Check for Account Suspension or Policy Violations

If your account has been locked due to a breach of Airbnb’s rules or terms of service, it’s crucial to look into the specifics of what caused it to be suspended.

Read through Airbnb’s policies and terms of service thoroughly to spot any possible infractions.

Contact Airbnb Support

It’s important you contact Airbnb’s customer service if you are unable to reset your password or if your account has been locked for a reason other than a forgotten password.

Visit the Airbnb Help Center and choose the section that best describes your problem. Find the “Contact Us” or “Get Help” link, which may be located at the bottom of the page or within a particular article.

Select the right method of communication by clicking on it, such as email, phone, or live chat.

Give the Relevant Details

Be ready to offer the necessary details to prove your identity and account ownership when contacting Airbnb assistance.

Your entire name, email address, phone number, and any other information that can be used to authenticate your account may be included in this. Clearly and briefly describe the problem you’re having.

Check for Email Notifications

While waiting for a response from Airbnb support, carefully review your email inbox, including spam or junk folders, for any notifications or updates from Airbnb.

Sometimes, the system automatically sends emails with instructions or notifications regarding your account status. Make sure to check all relevant folders to avoid missing any important messages.

Utilize Social Media Channels

If you haven’t received a satisfactory response from Airbnb support or are facing difficulties reaching them through traditional channels, consider reaching out to Airbnb’s social media accounts.

Airbnb typically maintains accounts on platforms like Twitter or Facebook, where they may provide support and assistance.

Send them a direct message or publicly tweet them, explaining your situation and requesting assistance.

Social media channels can sometimes provide an alternative avenue to escalate your issue and get a prompt response.

Follow up

Why is my Airbnb Account Locked Explained + Solutions

After contacting Airbnb support, monitor your email inbox and any communication channels you use to reach out to them.

Airbnb’s support team may require additional information or steps to verify your account ownership and resolve the issue. Be responsive and promptly provide any requested details to expedite the process.

Be Patient and Persistent

Resolving account-related issues may take some time, especially if additional investigations or verifications are necessary.

Be patient during the process and follow up with Airbnb if you don’t receive a response within a reasonable time frame. Persistence and clear communication can help in regaining access to your locked Airbnb account.

Implement Security Measures

Once you regain access to your account, take steps to enhance its security.

Update your password to a strong and unique one, enable two-factor authentication if available, and review your account settings for any suspicious activity.

Regularly monitor your account for unauthorized access and promptly report any concerns to Airbnb support.


Overall, while having your Airbnb account locked can be a hassle, viewing it as an opportunity to reassess your practices and ensure compliance with Airbnb’s policies is essential.

By addressing the issue promptly, cooperating with customer support, and maintaining a positive reputation within the Airbnb community, you can get your account unlocked and continue enjoying the benefits of this popular platform.