How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions

Have you ever wanted to throw a party or host a gathering through Airbnb?

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions – Guide

While Airbnb aims to create safe and pleasant stays for everyone, their party rules can sometimes pose a challenge. But worry not! This guide shows you clever ways to work within these rules and still have a blast at your event.

Let’s dive right in and discover how to get around Airbnb party restrictions while having a great time.

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions?

Airbnb has put strict rules on parties to keep everyone safe and comfortable. However, these rules can sometimes be problematic if you want to have a gathering or event.

We’ll help you find ways to work with these rules and still have the event you want.

Under 25 Restriction

If you’re younger than 25 and want to rent a whole house nearby, Airbnb has a rule. Before you can do that, you need to have 3 good reviews from hosts and no bad ones.

But don’t worry, if you’re under 25, you can still book rooms in people’s houses or hotel rooms.

Airbnb is doing this because they’re worried you might want to have a big party. This rule is to keep things safe. They also know that people older than 24 can sometimes book places for the wrong reasons.

Here’s What to Do:

  1. Ask an older friend not in your area to book for you. If they’re over 25, this can bypass the restrictions.
  2. Change your location in your Airbnb profile (or remove it). Then, use a VPN to hide your computer’s address. This might help even if you’re 20 and facing this issue. To change location: Click your profile picture, then Account, go to Profile, click Edit, change your Location, and hit Save.
  3. Changing your birthdate might not work on browsers, only on the Airbnb app. You might need to create a new account if the birthdate edit button is grey.
  4. If you’re booking a place for just one night, and it’s on a busy time like Halloween weekend, Airbnb might restrict you. To avoid this, try booking on a different night.

Under 18 Restriction

If you’re not yet 18, you can’t create an account to be a guest or a host on Airbnb.

Here’s What to Do:

  1. Get an adult to book for you. If you’re under 18, you can ask someone over 25 who isn’t in the same place as your booking to make the reservation.
  2. Change your birthdate. Go to settings and adjust your birth year to make you older than 18. But you might need a new account if you can’t edit it. If the website doesn’t work, use the Airbnb app to change your birth year.

Booking Entire Place Restriction

Airbnb offers 4 kinds of places to stay: the whole place, private rooms, hotel rooms, and shared rooms. Sometimes, you might get a message from Airbnb that says:

“Pick a different place to stay. Airbnb stops reservations for entire homes when the location or time seems unsafe. Please try a private room or hotel room instead.”

You’re getting this message because you’re under 25 and trying to book a place. Airbnb also thinks you might want to throw a party.

Here’s What to Do:

  1. Book a private room. If you’re under 25 and Airbnb thinks you’re trying to have a party, the solution is to book a private or hotel room instead.
  2. Ask the host to change the type temporarily. If you find a host willing to help, there’s a trick—you and the host must be online simultaneously. The host changes the listing from “entire place” to “private room” for you to book.
  3. Change your birthdate. Another way is to change your birth year. If the Airbnb website doesn’t work, use the Airbnb app. Go to settings and profile to edit your birth year.
  4. Wait for a different time. If you’re booking a place for just one night, especially during busy times like Halloween, Airbnb might keep restricting you. Consider booking on a different night.

One or Two-Night Reservation Restrictions

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions – Guide

Airbnb might not let you book for one-night stays in whole homes if you don’t have good reviews.

Solution for One-Night Reservation Restrictions:

You can choose a private room instead. Or you can talk to the host to temporarily change their listing to “private room” so you can book it.

Airbnb can be more strict for two-night stays, especially for certain local or last-minute bookings. If you don’t have good reviews, Airbnb might limit these bookings.

Solution for One-Night Reservation Restrictions:

To get around this, you should gather positive reviews on Airbnb.

Alternatively, you can ask a friend to book for you. Remember to talk to the host if your friend is booking for you. Also, ensure you’re a good guest so the host doesn’t give your friend a bad review.

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions: Alternative Solutions

Here’s a list of alternative solutions you can try:

Talk to the Host

The first thing to do to get around Airbnb’s party rules is to talk to the host. Hosts might say yes to a small event if you ask them nicely.

Tell them all the details about what you want to do, like how many people will come and what kind of event it is. It’s really important to be honest because not being honest can lead to your booking being canceled.

Find Places with Event Spaces

Some Airbnb places have special areas for events. These spots might have more flexible party rules or be made for parties.

Look for places that use words like “event space,” “party room,” or “gathering spot” in their listing.

Rent Multiple Places

Another way to work around Airbnb’s party rules is to rent more than one place in the same area. This lets you have a bigger event while following each place’s rules.

This also ensures your guests have a good place to stay during the event.

Get a Special Event Permit

You might need a local government permit for big events, like weddings or big parties.

But remember that getting one might mean extra steps, like getting insurance, which might cost more money.

Why is Airbnb Not Let Me Book Because of Parties?

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions – Guide

Airbnb wants everyone to have a good experience when they stay in a place. They worry that parties might cause problems, like noise or damage to the place.

So, they might say no if a booking leads to a party. This way, they try to keep things nice and peaceful for everyone.

How Do I Avoid Party Risk on Airbnb?

You can talk clearly with those who want to stay in your place to ensure no party troubles. Tell them about the rules, like no big gatherings or loud noise.

Also, you might ask for some money upfront, which they can get back if everything is okay.

How Strict is Airbnb with Parties?

Airbnb takes parties seriously. They don’t want guests to have big parties in their rented places. If you break this rule, Airbnb can give you a fine or even stop you from using Airbnb anymore.

They have these strict rules because they want to keep things calm and nice for everyone who uses Airbnb.

How Does Airbnb Detect a Party?

Airbnb has ways to find out if there’s a party happening in one of the places. They might use technology that tells them about loud noise or too many people. Sometimes, neighbors might also let Airbnb know if there’s a big party going on. If Airbnb thinks there’s a party, they can look into it more to ensure everything’s okay.

How to Get Around Airbnb Party Restrictions: Closing Thoughts

Airbnb cares about safety and comfort, but parties can be a challenge. This guide offers ways to enjoy events within the rules.

Understand Airbnb’s rules first: no parties without host permission. Communicate openly with hosts, find event-friendly places, consider booking multiple spots, and get any needed permits.

With honesty and planning, you can work within Airbnb’s rules and make memorable gatherings while respecting others. Remember, it’s about having fun while keeping the peace.