Airbnb Charged Me Twice – What Should I Do?

If you’ve been charged twice by Airbnb, don’t panic. It can be frustrating and stressful, especially if you are on a tight budget, but being charged twice is a common issue that you can resolve.

Airbnb Charged Me Twice What Should I Do

Sometimes, verifying your payment requires a refundable fee. Sometimes it is a software bug.

The first thing you should do is check your bank statement to confirm if Airbnb charged you twice. If yes, immediately contact Airbnb’s customer support and provide them with transaction details.

It will take around seven business days to resolve the glitch and credit your checking account.

This article will teach you what to do if Airbnb charges you twice.

Why Was I Charged Twice for Airbnb Reservation?

Airbnb charged you twice for your reservation, and you may wonder why. Besides, the Airbnb Community Center reveals that double charging is a common issue Airbnb guests face.

Airbnb double charges occur due to system glitches and payment processing errors like software bugs and connectivity issues.

Sometimes, verifying your payment requires a refundable fee, which can lead to double charges. In such cases, your payment processor should refund the amount after verification.

But this applies only to specific payment methods and locations.

While it can be frustrating to be charged twice, taking action to rectify the situation is essential. Keep tracing your money. It usually ends well if approached with sheer determination.

Contact Airbnb customer service immediately to report the issue and request a refund for the extra charge. If Airbnb is unresponsive, take legal action through your bank’s fraud department.

You can dispute the charges with your credit card company or Airbnb.

Fortunately, Airbnb has improved its payment processing protocols and fraud detection mechanisms.

For instance, Airbnb charged me twice on three occasions in 2020 alone. But in 2021, I used Airbnb more than 20 times and did not experience that problem.

This indicates that these cases are now much rarer, and the likelihood of Airbnb charging you twice is decreasing.

What to Do If Airbnb Charges Me Twice?

Follow these steps if you find that Airbnb has charged you twice:

1. Check Your Bank Account

Airbnb Charged Me Twice - What Should I Do?

The first thing you should do is check your bank account. Look for any duplicate charges from Airbnb and take note of the transaction details, such as date, amount, and payment method.

Also, check your Airbnb account to ensure no duplicate bookings or pending reservations. If you find any, cancel them immediately to prevent further charges.

Remember that Airbnb’s payment system may take a few days to process refunds, so be patient and wait for the refund to appear in your account.

If the refund doesn’t appear after a reasonable time, contact Airbnb’s customer support for assistance.

2. Keep Records

It’s crucial to record all communication, receipts, and transactions when dealing with double charges on Airbnb.

Having proof of your previous conversations with Airbnb customer service can help expedite the refund process.

Recording your bank statements and credit card bills can also provide evidence of the double charge. It can help Airbnb investigate and process your refund request more efficiently.

It’s better to be over-prepared and have too much information than to have too little. Keep your records organized and readily accessible.

3. Contact Airbnb

Contact Airbnb’s customer service through their website or mobile app as soon as possible. The team is available 24/7 to assist you, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them.

Provide all the necessary information, including the details of the duplicate charges and any supporting documentation.

Sometimes, Airbnb’s customer service may need to contact your bank or credit card company to reverse the charge. But they will keep you informed throughout the process.

The sooner you contact Airbnb about being charged twice, the quicker they can assist you in resolving it.

4. Provide Evidence

If Airbnb has charged you twice, providing evidence to support your claim is essential.

The evidence can be a screenshot of your bank or credit card statement showing the duplicate charge.

Confirmation emails or Airbnb receipts showing you were only supposed to be charged once are also crucial evidence.

Providing this evidence can help Airbnb quickly identify and resolve the issue. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to launch an investigation and get back your money.

It will take around seven business days to resolve the glitch and credit your checking account.

5. Be Persistent

After you’ve contacted Airbnb and given them the evidence of the duplicate charge, it may take a few days to resolve the issue.

Being persistent and advocating for yourself ensures the issue is resolved promptly and satisfactorily.

Follow up with Airbnb regularly and keep track of your communications.

Don’t be afraid to escalate the issue if necessary, such as by requesting to speak with a supervisor or filing a dispute with your bank or credit card company. More about this later.

6. Stay Calm and Polite

Airbnb Charged Me Twice - What Should I Do?

It’s understandable to feel frustrated and angry when you discover Airbnb has charged you twice. However, staying calm and polite is essential when contacting Airbnb or your bank.

Being rude or aggressive can make it more challenging to resolve the issue and may lead to delays in getting your money back.

Besides, the customer service representative is likely trying to help you, and being polite can go a long way in getting a positive outcome.

Additionally, staying calm and collected can help you think more clearly and present your case more effectively, increasing your chances of a successful resolution.

7. Consider Disputing the Charge with Your Bank

This option is appropriate if you have tried all other methods without success. Ask your bank’s fraud department to investigate the transaction and reverse the missing money.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, banks must investigate disputed charges and report their findings to consumers within 45 days.

Note that disputing a charge should be done as a last resort, and you should provide all necessary evidence to your bank to support your case.

Airbnb Charged Me Before the Confirmation

Once you submit a booking request, the host has 24 hours to respond. If the host declines your request or doesn’t respond within the given time frame, your payment will be refunded.

However, if the host confirms your reservation, your payment method will be charged immediately. This applies even if you use the Instant Book feature.

Note that the host will not receive payment until 24 hours after your scheduled check-in.

It may seem odd to be charged before receiving confirmation, but it’s Airbnb’s way of ensuring that hosts are not left waiting for payment after confirming a reservation.

Rest assured; you will receive a refund if the host doesn’t confirm.


The prospect of losing money on Airbnb due to double charges can be stressful and frustrating.

The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to investigate and get back your money. It’s better to be over-prepared with too much information than to have none.

Evidence, persistent follow-up, and calm and polite communication with Airbnb and your bank’s customer service will get your money back.

How many times has Airbnb charged you twice? How long did it take to correct the glitch, and how did you go about it? Feel free to share your experiences with me in the comments below.