Airbnb Bed Bugs Refund – All You Need to Know

When you search for destinations and beautiful rooms to stay in overnight, Airbnb is a godsend for everyone. It is an excellent choice to find accommodations anywhere in the world.

Airbnb Bed Bugs Refund All You Need to Know

Nowadays, it is easy to find tourist destinations without worrying about how expensive it is to sleep in a hotel. It garnered five stars from many travelers around the world looking for a convenient and reliable home to stay.

However, just like any options for accommodation, tiny issues are complex to avoid and may always come along unexpectedly, such as tiny bed bugs.

In this article, we will tackle what bed bugs are, how to find out if the room you’re staying in has them, and, of course, how to get a refund if you encounter this situation.

Identifying Bed Bugs in an Airbnb Rental

Before booking an Airbnb rental, one must know the signs of a bed bug infestation. Some common indicators include:

Check Your Surroundings

Look for live bugs, shed skins, or minor blood stains on the bedding, mattresses, and furniture.

Musty Odor

Bed bugs release a distinct, sweet, musty odor. If you notice a strange kind of smell in the rental, it could be a sign that there are presence of bugs.

Itchy Bites

If you wake up with itchy, red welts on your body, it may be a sign that bed bugs have bitten you.

Dark Spots or Stains

Due to their excrement, bed bugs leave behind dark spots or stains on mattresses, sheets, and furniture.

What to Do if You Encounter Bed Bugs in an Airbnb Rental

If you suddenly discover bed bugs in your Airbnb rental, it’s essential to do something about it if you are okay with bugs, but in most cases, they are a big problem. Here are the steps you should take:

Document the Evidence

Take clear photos or videos of the bed bugs, bites, and other signs of infestation. Ensure you have the evidence when filing a formal complaint about bugs found in the room.

Contact the Host

Contact your host about the bed bug infestation. The reason for this is that not all hosts are aware of the problem that there are bed bugs infestation. It also helps them to take immediate steps to address it.

Contact Airbnb Support

If the host ignores your concern, you can best contact Airbnb’s customer support and provide all the necessary evidence and details.

They will assist you in the process of how to get the refund and, of course, to solve the problem regarding the bed bugs in the room.

Seek Medical Attention if Needed

If you have severe allergic reactions or the itching is unbearable due to bed bug bites, immediately seek medical attention.

Airbnb’s Bed Bug Refund Policy

Airbnb has a Guest Refund Policy that covers situations where a guest encounters a bed bug infestation.

Based on Aibnb’s policy, if a guest can provide evidence of a proven bed bug infestation, they may offer a refund or alternative accommodation.

How To File A Refund for Airbnb Bed Bug

If you have found infesting bugs on the mattress, you can file a refund for Airbnb bed bugs by the following steps:

Tell the Host About It

Airbnb Bed Bugs Refund All You Need to Know

First and foremost, get in touch with the property owner through the Airbnb app or messaging system.

Tell them about the bed bug infestation and provide any evidence you have in case they deny it, such as photographs or videos of the bed bugs, bites, or signs of infestation.

File an Airbnb Support

Airbnb’s customer support is open to hearing your concerns; all you have to do is explain the situation. Attach photos as evidence and write about how long you’ve been scratching your skin due to bed bug infestation.

Submit a Claim

Airbnb may ask for additional documentation to support your claim. It may include photographs of the bed bugs or stains that show a bed bug infestation and any other proof, such as bed bug bite marks.

Make sure to document any evidence you find so that you will be guaranteed a refund.

Use the Resolution Center

If your host is unresponsive or the issue persists, it’s time to involve Airbnb. Follow these steps:

Log In

Log in to your Airbnb account.

Go to the Resolution Center

Find your profile picture in the top right corner of the Airbnb homepage. Click “Resolution Center” from the dropdown menu.

Start a New Case

Click on “Start a new case.”

Choose the Reservation

Select the reservation related to the bed bug issue.

Specify the Issue

In the “What’s the issue?” section, choose “I want to report an issue with my reservation” and specify “Bed bugs” from the dropdown menu.

Provide Details

Describe the issue in detail. Include when you first noticed the problem and any communication with the host, and attach the photos or videos you’ve taken.

Enter Desired Resolution

Be straightforward in describing what resolution you need, whether a refund, relocation, or another arrangement.

If the host cannot resolve the issue or offer a refund, you can use Airbnb’s Resolution Center to request a refund.

Discuss any refund amounts with your host through the Airbnb message thread before submitting a request in the Resolution Center.

It’s important to note that each case is assessed individually, and the outcome may vary depending on the evidence provided.

Airbnb’s customer support team will work with you to ensure a fair resolution.

Remember to document everything and communicate promptly with both the host and Airbnb support to increase your chances of receiving a refund for the bed bug issue.

Preventing Bed Bugs While Traveling

Preventing bed bugs is crucial to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free travel experience. Bed bugs can quickly infest your belongings and accommodations, causing discomfort, itching, and potential health risks.

Not only does prevention save you from the inconvenience of dealing with bed bugs, but it also helps maintain the cleanliness and reputation of the accommodation providers, ensuring a pleasant stay for future guests.

To avoid encountering bed bugs, there are preventive measures you can do to minimize the risk:

Check Reviews

Airbnb Bed Bugs Refund All You Need to Know

Before booking an Airbnb rental, read reviews from previous guests to get an idea of the cleanliness and overall condition of the property. You can also visit social media groups to ask about the room’s sanitation and get thorough advice.

Inspect the Room First

Upon arrival, thoroughly inspect the room for any signs of bed bugs. Carefully look at the bedding, mattresses, and furniture; maybe they’re just silently hiding there.

Remember, bed bugs are difficult to notice, so a lack of visible signs does not guarantee the absence of an infestation.

Use Luggage Racks

Refrain from putting your luggage on the bed or the floor. Instead, use luggage racks or elevate your bags to reduce the chances of bed bugs hitching a ride.

Bed bugs can sometimes hide in luggage racks or nightstands. Inspect these areas thoroughly, paying attention to any cracks or crevices.

Wash and Dry Clothes

When returning from your trip, wash and dry your clothes on high heat to kill bed bugs that may have hitched a ride.


While it’s difficult to notice the presence of bed bugs in the first place, there are things you can do to protect yourself and find the best alternative accommodation.

Inform the host and see if they can do something about it or contact Airbnb customer support to get a refund.

Remember to show pictures together with your detailed concerns or videos to prove that there is a bed bug infestation. Without those, it would not be easy to get a refund.

You can also include the dates, times, and details of the conversation between you and the host.

Traveling and sleeping for a night should not be a burden, especially when the place is free from those tiny insects. Always do the check, inspect, and confirm.