Airbnb Asks Me to Leave: What Should I Do?

If you ever encounter a situation where Airbnb asks you to leave, don’t worry; we’ve got your back. In this article, we’ll provide you with the necessary steps to handle this scenario calmly and efficiently.

Airbnb Asks Me to Leave What Should I Do

You’ll gain insights into the reasons behind such requests, understand your rights as a guest, and learn how to communicate effectively with Airbnb support.

Armed with a clear understanding of Airbnb’s policies and actionable solutions, you’ll be equipped to face this challenge with confidence.

Let’s explore this unexpected situation together and ensure you have a smooth Airbnb experience throughout your journey.

Understanding the Airbnb Departure Request

Some guests have complained that they received an impromptu notification from Airbnb, asking them to leave their rented property as soon as possible. While this does not occur frequently, it happens from time to time.

A couple complained last year that while in their rented property, they received several messages from Airbnb asking them to check out of the rented property immediately without informing the host.

They also received a message from the host, asking them to ignore any messages Airbnb sent them.

The couple, however, chose to heed Airbnb’s instructions. The decision to take in this situation is totally up to you, but you need to make the right one.

Receiving this sort of message might still be a shock to you.

Just take a deep breath and calm down. We will be outlining some tips that will help you navigate this situation, ensure your safety, and enable you to enjoy your trip.

What to Do When You Receive Such a Notification from Airbnb

This sort of notification can be frustrating and extremely confusing. However, you have to try and stay calm, as this will help you make the best decisions.

Don’t panic; below are some tips on how to handle this situation effectively.

1. Contact Airbnb Customer Support

One good thing about the Airbnb platform is that for safety issues, their customer support representatives are available 24 hours a day. So you can easily access them if an emergency occurs.

If you have received a notification from the platform asking you to leave your rented property immediately, contact Airbnb customer support immediately to find out the details.

Airbnb Asks Me to Leave What Should I Do

While on the call, inform them of your situation and let them know that you would require an alternative residence.

After leaving the rented property, the couple from earlier was checked into a nice room by Airbnb, so it’s not like they were left stranded.

If Airbnb has sent you such a notification, they are in a very good position to get you another space or check you into a hotel room if there are no available properties.

While on the call, the customer representative will inform you of the reason you received such a notification. Although they may not specifically mention exactly what the host did, you would be given a general explanation.

The couple mentioned earlier stated that upon communication with Airbnb support, they were also informed that the host violated the platform’s guidelines.

2. Leave the Property Immediately

Most times, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Instead of trying to figure out why you were sent this message, pack your bags and leave.

When you leave the premises, you can communicate with Airbnb as to how you would get a refund.

Airbnb expressly states that if a guest has to vacate the rented property because of a travel issue, they would offer assistance with finding better or comparable accommodation.

For you to receive this message, there must be an issue with the host. Not every host is legitimate. As I previously mentioned, Airbnb has over 150 million users; almost half of this number are hosts.

How can one accurately guarantee the nature of a host? While there is a chance that your host is genuine, would you rather stay at the property and find out if it is an error message, or would you prioritize your safety?

On the bright side, if this is an error on Airbnb’s part, it’s only fair that they refund you and also compensate the host for their error. That way, you would have peace of mind and also get your money back.

3. You May Consider Speaking to the Host

While this may be risky, it has worked for some users. One Airbnb user noted that he received a notification from Airbnb asking him to immediately tell the guest to vacate the premises.

The host considered it unprofessional and refused to throw out a guest. Subsequently, he received a call from the guests and was informed that Airbnb sent a similar request to them, asking them to vacate the premises immediately.

They decided to ignore the message, and it worked out for them. You should note that doing this is risky, as you should not just assume that this is an error.

What if it turns out to be a valid request and not just a technical glitch? You need to be extremely cautious in this situation.

4. Communicate with Your Family

Airbnb Asks Me to Leave What Should I Do

In emergency situations, it is paramount to communicate with your family and any close friends about the development. It is advisable to send a text message first, then call.

Inform whoever you speak with of the situation and tell them of your plans. Talking to your family at a time like this will help you navigate the situation and also serve as a safety net.

You should be mindful of how you communicate with your family. While informing them of the situation, please try your best to be calm and coordinated.

Sounding panicked will only heighten your family’s fear. They would feel anxious when you call them. There is no need to add to it. Just communicate the relevant information to them and tell them of the efforts you are making.

5. Visit the Nearest Police Station

In any situation where your safety is threatened, it is important to draw the attention of the relevant authorities.

This situation is no different. Receiving a message from Airbnb asking you to leave the rented property immediately isn’t something to joke about. It’s important not to play Russian roulette in this situation.

If you cannot find an alternative residence immediately or do not have enough money to pay for one, go to a police station. It shouldn’t be difficult to locate a police station; just use your maps.

You can also search the safety center in the Airbnb app to find local emergency phone numbers. When you get there, explain the situation to the officers there, and call Airbnb support to negotiate an alternative residence.


Encountering an Airbnb early departure request may seem unsettling, but it can be managed effectively if you stay calm and follow the right approach.

By understanding the reasons behind such requests and communicating openly with Airbnb customer support, you can navigate the issue with confidence.

There is no need to panic if you are in this situation. Just follow any or all of the steps outlined in this article, and you will be able to tackle this issue and enjoy the rest of your stay. Remember to always trust your instincts.