10 Reasons Why Vrbo is Cheaper Than Airbnb

Why is Vrbo cheaper than Airbnb? In short, it depends on various factors like types of homes and fees.

But for the full picture and to make the best choice, keep reading to learn more about the differences between these two vacation rental platforms.

Why is Vrbo Cheaper Than Airbnb – Reasons Explained

Why is Vrbo Cheaper Than Airbnb?

Vrbo, a vacation rental website, and Airbnb, another platform for renting vacation homes, often differ in pricing. Here’s why:

1. Hosts’ Choices

On Vrbo, folks who share their homes for rent sometimes opt to ask for less money compared to those on Airbnb. They do this for various reasons.

Some want to draw in a specific type of traveler, while others aim to outdo other homes in the competition. So, if you spot lower prices on Vrbo, it’s often because the hosts there have decided to charge less moolah.

2. Kinds of Homes

Vrbo typically boasts larger homes like cozy cabins or fancy beach houses.

At first glance, these might appear pricier, but believe it or not, sometimes they cost just as much or even less than similar homes found on Airbnb.

So, bigger might not always mean more expensive.

3. Fees and Money

Vrbo and Airbnb slap on some charges for renters and guests, but here’s the kicker – these fees can vary.

That means the total amount you’ll shell out might not be a mirror image of the two platforms. Different fee structures can lead to different final bills.

4. Different Places

The location of a vacation home can be a deal-changer. You see, some spots could have homes listed cheaper on one platform than on the other. So, where a house is can significantly sway the price tag you’ll encounter.

5. Talking to Owners

Why is Vrbo Cheaper Than Airbnb – Reasons Explained

On Vrbo, you can chat directly with the person who owns the place you’re eyeing.

This direct line of communication can sometimes work magic in bargaining for a lower price. It’s a feature that can tip the scales in favor of Vrbo if you want to save some bucks.

6. Special Deals

Both Vrbo and Airbnb occasionally roll out discounts and special offers. These can shake up the pricing landscape, making one platform look more budget-friendly than the other. So, keep an eye out for those limited-time deals.

7. Staying Longer

Some homeowners might be willing to cut you a deal if your travel plans involve an extended stay. This potential discount factor can make Vrbo appear cheaper for those planning a lengthier vacation.

8. Bigger Groups

If you’re rolling with a large crew, Vrbo might be your wallet’s best friend. They often have more spacious accommodations that can be more cost-effective per person than similar ones found on Airbnb.

9. Seasonal Fluctuations

The time of year can swing the price pendulum. Vrbo and Airbnb prices can dance to different tunes based on the season. For instance, when demand is lower, you might snag a steal on Vrbo during the off-peak months.

Meanwhile, Airbnb might maintain higher prices because it has a larger user base.

10. Reviews and Ratings

The power of reviews can’t be underestimated. Sometimes, Vrbo properties might have lower ratings or fewer reviews compared to similar listings on Airbnb.

This can lead Vrbo hosts to lower prices to attract more guests and garner better feedback.

Conversely, Airbnb hosts with glowing reviews might have more wiggle room with their pricing, knowing that positive feedback can command a premium.

So, the review game can play a role in the price showdown between Vrbo and Airbnb.

Remember, prices can change for many reasons.

To know if Vrbo is cheaper than Airbnb for your trip, compare both websites for the kind of place you want, when you’re going, and how much you want to spend.

Why is Vrbo Cheaper Than Airbnb – Reasons Explained

Check reviews, what’s included, and any extra costs before you decide.

Is Vrbo Better Than Airbnb?

Vrbo and Airbnb help you find places to stay. However, the choice depends on your preferences. Vrbo focuses on renting entire homes, perfect for family or group trips, offering a homey feel.

Airbnb offers various options, from whole places to private rooms. It’s great if you’re open to sharing with hosts or guests.

Consider your trip style: Vrbo for privacy, Airbnb for meeting locals. Both have traveler reviews and rules to review before booking.

Are Fees Higher on Vrbo or Airbnb?

Vrbo and Airbnb charge fees, but they might call them different things. Airbnb often charges guests a service fee, which helps cover the cost of running the platform and providing customer support. Vrbo might have a similar fee.

Hosts on both platforms may also be charged a fee, which helps cover the cost of using the website to list their properties.

Some travelers have noticed that Vrbo tends to have fewer hidden fees than Airbnb.

This means that the total price you see on Vrbo might be closer to the final cost, while on Airbnb, there could be additional charges like cleaning fees or local taxes that are added later in the booking process.

Another thing to consider is that some hosts on Vrbo might offer longer stays, like a week or a month, at a discounted rate. This could lower the overall cost compared to Airbnb, especially if you plan an extended stay.

It’s important to closely examine the breakdown of costs for each rental you’re interested in. Look for additional fees beyond the nightly rate and compare the total costs on both platforms.

Also, remember that prices can change based on location, time of year, and demand, so what’s true now might not be true later.

Which is Safer: Airbnb or Vrbo?

Airbnb and Vrbo have various safety practices. Both require hosts and guests to create profiles, including verified identification and reviews from previous transactions.

These profiles help build trust between users. Additionally, both offer secure payment systems to protect your financial information.

Airbnb has implemented a review and rating system that allows guests to leave feedback about their experiences. This can help others make informed decisions and avoid potential issues.

The platform also has a “Host Guarantee” program that covers property damages.

Vrbo, on the other hand, tends to focus more on whole-home rentals. This can offer privacy and security, especially for larger groups or families.

Vrbo also encourages direct communication between guests and hosts, which can help build trust and clarify expectations before booking.

Both platforms have customer support teams to assist with any issues during your stay.

However, travelers should do their part by reading reviews, communicating with hosts, and following safety guidelines provided by the platforms.

Does the Same Company own Airbnb and Vrbo?

No, Airbnb and Vrbo aren’t owned by the same company. They’re separate entities operated by different companies.

It’s like comparing two car brands – they might have similar features but come from distinct manufacturers.

Airbnb was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk. Vrbo, on the other hand, was founded earlier, in 1995, by David Clouse.


Ultimately, your choice of Airbnb or Vrbo depends on what you want. Compare, read reviews, and choose the one that fits your adventure best!