Tipping Airbnb Cleaners: To Do or Not to Do

Tipping is an acceptable act of appreciation in most industries. It motivates the service providers and helps build a robust rapport with their customers.

Should You Tip Airbnb Cleaners

Tipping can also improve service delivery and bolster loyalty between the customers and the company. However, not all countries or states embrace tipping.

So, it is recommended to get accustomed to the cultural norms of the area you are in.  But does this apply to Airbnb? Should you tip Airbnb cleaners?

This article explores the different ways you can tip cleaners, when not to tip them, and what amount is ideal, among other topics. so, let’s get into it.

Should You Tip Airbnb Cleaners?

Tipping Airbnb cleaners is not a necessity. In fact, most hosts frown on leaving a tip for cleaners. That said, you can still tip cleaners since it is a matter of personal preference.

There are several aspects to consider when you want to tip a cleaner, the first being the cleaning fee. Ideally, most Airbnb listings will include a cleaning fee in their price.

The price caters to the cleaner’s expenses. If the cleaning fee is high, then you’ll be less inclined to tip the cleaner.

If you are satisfied with the cleaner’s work, then you might want to tip more. Always remember to follow the host’s rules and regulations. And if they forbid tipping the cleaners, avoid doing so.

How Can I Tip Airbnb Cleaners?

There are two ways to tip an Airbnb cleaner: a cash tip and a tip through the Airbnb app.

Leaving a cash tip is the most popular tipping method. You want to leave the tip in a visible place, such as on the nightstand or kitchen counter. Some hosts may provide an envelope to place the tip in.

Alternatively, you can tip through the Airbnb app. This is especially convenient if the host allows tipping of cleaners. However, the cleaner will receive the tip after a few days.

How Much Should I Tip an Airbnb Cleaner?

Well, most guests will tip 10% to 20% of the cleaning fee. For example, if the cleaning fee is $200, you can tip anything between $20 and $40. That said, the amount you give the cleaner is up to personal preference.

Under What Circumstances Can I Tip Airbnb Cleaners Generously?

Some circumstances that might compel a guest to tip Airbnb cleaners include the following:

Long Stays

If you have stayed in a property for an extended period, for example, a month, the cleaners may have had to put in extra effort. The same applies to a large group.

Ensuring your space is ready for occupation after each day is not an easy feat. You can tip the cleaning staff as a sign of gratitude.

Special Occasions

Special occasions such as birthday parties, anniversaries, and honeymoons often require more than cleaning. The cleaning staff may add decorations and thoughtful touches. You can show appreciation by tipping them.

Complex Cleaning Needs

Some properties require unique cleaning. For example, cleaning a cabin in a remote area might require using different cleaning agents, not to mention daily traveling.

Consider tipping more generously to acknowledge their extra effort.

Should You Tip Airbnb Cleaners

Why Do Most Hosts Discourage Tipping Airbnb Cleaners?

Most Airbnb hosts discourage guests from tipping cleaners because they want to set a fair price for cleaning services. If the cleaning fee is high, they might deem tipping cleaners unnecessary.

In addition, they want to avoid confusion. Tipping can be a norm in certain communities but a frowned-upon action in other areas. By discouraging guests from tipping, hosts avoid any unnecessary awkwardness.

Hosts also want to ensure cleaners are paid for the work done, avoiding underpayments.

When Should You Not Want to Tip Airbnb Cleaners?

If the cleaning fee is high, then there’s no need to tip the cleaners since it will cater to their wages. If the cleaners did a shoddy job, you may not want to tip them. Cleaners should go above and beyond your expectations.

As mentioned, tipping might not be customary in most areas. If this is the case, it would be inappropriate to tip the cleaners. And if the cleaners are volunteers, you’d not want to tip them since they do not expect you to.

Can Hosts Tip Airbnb Cleaners?

While not a common practice, hosts can tip Airbnb cleaners. In most cases, the cleaning fee covers the cost of cleaning, meaning the host is already paying the cleaners for their services.

Like guests, hosts can leave a cash tip or award them a gift card.

To avoid misunderstandings with the cleaners, you should let them know that you are willing to tip them if they do an exceptional job, although not always. When tipping them, make sure to specify why you are doing so.

You should also tip them as soon as possible and make it personal. For example, you can leave a handwritten note or a small gift.

What Are Alternatives to Tipping Airbnb Cleaners?

If tipping cleaners is not the norm or the host discourages it, you can leave a positive review. Ideally, there are many alternatives to tipping.

Highlighting the cleaning staff’s exceptional effort can boost their reputation, potentially leading to more business. You can also leave a handwritten thank-you note to express your gratitude.

Should You Tip Airbnb Cleaners

Another alternative is leaving a token of appreciation, such as a local specialty or a box of chocolate. This can be a pleasant and motivating surprise.

And if you cannot afford either of the above, keeping the property tidy improves the cleaners’ morale and shows your consideration.

Is Airbnb Against Tipping Cleaners?

No, Airbnb is not against tipping cleaners. However, they discourage it since the cleaning fee should cover the cleaning cost.

What Are Common Mistakes to Avoid When Tipping Airbnb Cleaners?

If you are staying in an area where tipping is the norm, not tipping can be a turn-off to most cleaners. Tipping too much can be awkward for the cleaner and the guest. As mentioned, you should tip at least 10% of the cleaning fee.

You should also avoid tipping before the cleaning is done, since it may create unrealistic expectations. Remember to leave a handwritten note when tipping.

What Are the Responsibilities of Airbnb Cleaners?

Airbnb cleaners have different responsibilities depending on the property.

Some common tasks include making the beds, taking out trash, restocking amenities, cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, and dusting the furniture and surfaces.

If you are on a long stay, they might also do deep cleaning sporadically.


As you can see, tipping Airbnb cleaners is not necessary but acceptable in most states or countries. It shows gratitude to the cleaning staff for the work done.

You’d want to tip 10% to 15% of the cleaning fee to avoid creating unexpected expectations. While some hosts might discourage it, Airbnb policies do not prohibit tipping.

As such, it is up to you to decide on the amount and means of tipping. Cash tips are the most common and convenient. Tipping through the Airbnb app is a viable option if you don’t have cash at hand. Always leave your tip in an easy-to-locate place such as a kitchen top.