Airbnb Inquiry vs. Request

Are you wondering the difference between an Airbnb inquiry and a request? Well, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we delve into the clear distinctions between these two.

Airbnb Inquiry vs. Request Explained

Understanding their purposes, impacts, and proper responses empowers hosts and guests to communicate effectively.

Upon completing this article, you’ll be well-equipped for transparent interactions, enhancing your Airbnb journey. Let’s explore these differences so you can have a smoother booking experience.

Understanding Airbnb Inquiries

An inquiry is a message sent by a guest who is trying to get information about certain dates that they have in mind.

Airbnb encourages prospective guests to send multiple reservation inquiries when they are looking to rent a property.

This means that guests often send inquiries to more than one listing within the same area. This serves as a medium for screening hosts.

However, they have to state the dates they want to receive information about and also the number of guests.

Hosts are encouraged to respond to inquiries within 24 hours, as a quick response will likely influence the decision of a guest.

Guests who send inquiries may want to know about other things, not just available dates. For instance, they may want to know how close your property is to a particular event center.

A host who receives an inquiry has four options. The first is to speak to the guest and answer any questions he or she may have. The second option is to answer the guest’s questions and also pre-approve him or her.

The pre-approve button is usually visible on the screen when the host is reading the guest’s message. This button allows the guest to instantly book the reservation.

If a host pre-approves a guest, this shows the guest that the decision is up to them. The third option is to decline the inquiry.

Declining the inquiry prevents the guest from sending a request. The fourth option is to dismiss the reservation.

Implications of an Airbnb Inquiry

If a guest sends just an inquiry, it means that while the guest is considering the host’s property, he or she is not completely sure.

In this situation, responding late to the guest may make such a guest choose another Airbnb property. Hosts are usually encouraged to make little special offers when they receive an inquiry.

Understanding Airbnb Requests

A request is a reservation awaiting the approval of a host. When a host receives a reservation request from a prospective guest, it means that such a person has made a decision to stay at the host’s property.

The host is at the discretion of either accepting or declining the reservation request. Once the host accepts it, he or she receives 50 percent of the fees. It is important to note that booking requests expire within 24 hours.

As a result, hosts are encouraged to respond within that time. The guest can rescind the reservation request before the host accepts it.

Airbnb Inquiry vs. Request Explained

What Happens When a Reservation Request Is Made?

When a guest sends a reservation request to a host, the requested dates are automatically blocked on the host’s calendar.

This is done to prevent multiple bookings on the same date. If the host accepts the reservation request, then the dates remain blocked.

If they decline the request, Airbnb advises them to adjust their calendars. If the reservation request expires, the dates will remain blocked on the host’s calendar, so he or she will open them back up if they want someone else to book on those dates.

If the host misses the 24-hour window to accept a reservation request, such a host can ask the guest to resend the request and also throw in a special offer.

However, it is advisable to respond promptly. If a host doesn’t want to accept the reservation request, Airbnb advises that the host should decline the request within 24 hours before it expires.

This is better than just ignoring it, as doing so can negatively impact the host’s response rate.

Airbnb places this penalty because before a guest can send a request, such a guest would have to check out and add his or her payment method.

Airbnb would then either charge them in full or place a pre-authorization on the payment method they chose.

If the host declines the reservation or lets it expire, the prospective guest may not have access to their money for up to ten days.

Key Differences between Airbnb Inquiries and Requests

While the two may sound similar, they do not work the same way. One important difference between an inquiry and a reservation request is the effect each has on the host’s calendar.

If the host accepts the reservation request, Airbnb will block the confirmed dates from his or her calendar. Other individuals who want to book a stay on the host’s property would be unable to select the blocked dates.

On the contrary, an Airbnb booking inquiry would not block a guest’s desired dates on the host’s calendar. Such a host would still be free to accept requests from another guest for those dates.

In addition, if a host continuously declines reservation requests, this would negatively impact the host’s placement in search results. However, ignoring inquiries would only affect the host’s response rate.

How Does the Prospective Guest Make a Reservation Request?

First, the prospective guest has to make sure that his or her account is fully set up. Then he or she has to click the listing and check availability.

The guest will have to choose the number of guests and the dates and click the “Request to Book” tab. After doing this, the guest will be taken to a payment screen.

Airbnb Inquiry vs. Request Explained

The guest would be required to fill out the “About Your Trip” section, where he or she would agree to the house rules and cancellation and refund policies.

The guest would then be required to input the names and email addresses of any additional guests. The guest would also have the option of requesting that an itinerary be sent via email to the additional guests.

How Does a Guest Make an Inquiry?

To make an inquiry, the guest will have to choose the listing and click “contact host” to send a message.

After doing this, a box will pop up, and the guest can input the specific date, the number of guests, and the message to the host.

Once this is done, the host can send an inquiry. The host will then have the option to wither, pre-approve, respond, decline, or dismiss the inquiry.


Understanding the differences between Airbnb inquiries and reservation requests is like having a special key to unlocking a better booking experience.

By knowing what each one is all about and why they matter, you can talk to hosts or guests in a way that makes sense.

As a host, when you respond to an inquiry or request, you’re opening a window for clear communication, and that’s a big deal.

This impacts your response rate and, ultimately, how much money you may earn from the platform.

So, as you book, think of them as your trusted tools. They help you talk, connect, and understand what you need.