When Airbnb Hosts Demand More Money: Beware of Hidden Costs

Airbnb truly has transformed the way we connect with local communities while exploring the world.

When Airbnb Hosts Demand More Money: Beware of Hidden Costs

Unfortunately, as with all things, sometimes things do not go as planned while using the company’s services.

Arguably the most frustrating situation Airbnb guests can face is hosts asking for more money after the bookings’ confirmation.

This can not only be a stressful experience, but it’s also a confusing one. It often leaves most guests wondering what they should do next.

If this just happened to you, you’re in luck. Below, we’ll explore things you can do when your Airbnb host asks for more money.  We’ll also highlight tips for preventing this situation in the first place.

Reasons Why an Airbnb Host May Ask for More Money

To best understand your options, you must first comprehend the reasons some hosts do it in the first place.

There is a myriad of reasons Airbnb hosts may ask for more money after the booking confirmation.

These reasons will also inform whether or not you should pay the extra amount they’re asking. With that in mind, here are some common reasons hosts may ask for additional fees.

1. Cleaning Fees

Some Airbnb hosts charge cleaning fees to help cover the cost of cleaning the property after the guest leaves.

Additional cleaning fees will usually arise if the guest left the property in an exceptionally dirty state.

It’s essential to note that the host should cleanly state any regular cleaning fees they charge in their listing descriptions. So you should be aware of these costs upfront.

2. Extra Guest Fees

Did you bring more people than the booking was made for originally? Then note some hosts will ask for extra guest fees to cover any additional costs.

Again, the host should clearly communicate such fees in their listing description.

3. Damages to the Property

If you damage any of the property’s parts during your stay, your Airbnb host may ask for additional fees to foot the cost of repairs.

The host should report any damages to you as soon as possible and provide any evidence of the damages.

4. Late Check-Out Fees

An Airbnb guest overstaying their checkout time is another reason the host may ask for more money.

The reason for this fee is to cover the cost of the delay. As a guest, you ought to be aware of check-out times before booking and obey them.

If something arises and you have to stay longer, communicate any delays with your host as soon as possible.

5. Additional Fees

Other fees a guest may encounter at an Airbnb property include parking fees, pet fees, or amenity fees.

Fees for using amenities include for things like the gym and swimming pool. Read the listing’s description fully and carefully to avoid any surprises during your stay.

Now that you understand the reasons behind some Airbnb hosts asking for more money, it’s time for some solutions.

Next, we’ll review steps you can take to ensure you make informed decisions when faced with additional fee requests.

Steps to Take When an Airbnb Host Asks for More Money

So your Airbnb host asked for more money during your stay or after you had already booked the property?

Here are the steps you should take to address the situation and reach an amicable resolution.

1. Review the Reservation and Listing Details

The first thing you should do is review the reservation and listing details to make sure you didn’t overlook anything. Were any additional fees disclosed at the time you were booking?

While at it, also review the reservation confirmation, and any communication or messages you may have exchanged with the host.

If you find you indeed missed something, contact your host, discuss the matter, and see if you can reach an agreement.

If the additional fee wasn’t disclosed, however, you may have to forward the issue to Airbnb’s customer service.

When Airbnb Hosts Demand More Money Beware of Hidden Costs

2. Communicate with the Host

Do this before agreeing to pay more money or reaching out to Airbnb’s customer service. Ask the host to explain why they’re asking for more money.

And try to remain respectful and calm throughout the conversation to not escalate the situation.

During the conversation, ask your host to provide details about the additional fees, including the amount, and what they’re for. Also, ask why the fees weren’t disclosed at the time of your booking.

Document all of this communication in writing, as it’ll be helpful when you reach out to customer service.

3. Decline or Negotiate the Additional Fees

Once you clearly understand the additional fees, decide whether or not you’re willing to decline or negotiate the request.

You’re willing to negotiate? Then make a counteroffer that you think best aligns with the value of the additional fees.

What about if you’ve decided to decline the additional fees? Ensure you communicate that decision to your host respectfully and clearly.

Give your reasoning and ask the host to respect your decision. If they don’t, it’s time to contact Airbnb and tell them your Airbnb host is asking for more money.

4. Contact Airbnb’s Customer Service

Here are three situations when you should escalate the matter to Airbnb’s customer service:

  • The request for additional fees is unreasonable.
  • You’re unable to negotiate the additional fees with the host.
  • You think that the additional fees violate Airbnb’s policies.

You can reach Airbnb’s customer service via the company’s app or website.

Ensure you provide all the relevant details, including the communication exchange you saved earlier. Also, provide all the documentation that supports your decision and position.

5. Consider Taking Advantage of the Cancellation Policy

The situation couldn’t be resolved. It’s time to consider the cancellation policy for your reservation.

If you’re lucky, you might be able to cancel the reservation and receive a full refund. The full refund should include any fees you’ve already paid to the Airbnb host.

That said, note that canceling a reservation before waiting for Airbnb to help resolve the situation can have negative consequences.

The one negative you should keep in mind is the host leaving a negative review on your profile.

As you can see, while some fees are legitimate, the guest should be cautious of hosts asking for extra fees. Particularly if they were not communicated upfront.

Tips for Preventing Issues with an Airbnb Host Asking for More Money

When Airbnb Hosts Demand More Money: Beware of Hidden Costs

Of course, it’s impossible to prevent every issue with every Airbnb host you’ll encounter in the future.

That said, you can still take some steps to reduce the likelihood of an Airbnb host asking for more money. Tips you should keep in mind include:

  • Reading the listing carefully to ensure you do not miss anything.
  • Read reviews on the host from previous guests and see if any of them had any issues.
  • Ask for clarification if there is any confusion about the listing’s details. And do this before booking.
  • Be a good guest during your stay and follow the house rules. Also, remember to leave the property clean and tidy.


True, an Airbnb host asking for money can be a frustrating situation. That said, it’s still important to approach the situation with a rational and calm mindset.

By understanding why the host is asking for more money, you can make informed decisions on how to proceed.

Also, take the necessary steps to minimize the chances of this happening in the future.

In the end, the key to successful Airbnb experiences is mutual respect and communication between the guest and host.