When Guests Want to Leave Early: Airbnb Hosts Guide

Staying at an Airbnb property can be a rewarding experience. Unfortunately, as with all things, sometimes things do not go as planned.

When Guests Want to Leave Early A Guide for Airbnb Hosts

And, at times, the Airbnb guest may want to leave early. This has become a common occurrence among travelers, explaining what inspired us to create this detailed guide.

Regarding reasons why an Airbnb guest may want to leave early, they can vary.

They usually range from guests finding that the accommodation isn’t what they expected, to them leaving due to personal emergencies.

This article is also dedicated to evaluating Airbnb cancellation policies and terms and conditions.

Preparation for Early Departures

The most important step while dealing with an Airbnb guest that wants to leave early is preparing yourself in advance.

With the steps below, you should be able to deal with any early departure in a smoother and stress-free manner.

1. Reviewing Airbnb’s Cancellation Policy?

Airbnb has put forth a cancellation policy that outlines in detail all the terms and conditions. These include when it comes to canceling a booking and any fees that may be incurred.

These cancellation policies are determined by hosts and are divided into three categories: strict, moderate, or flexible.

Difference Between Strict, Moderate, and Flexible Cancellation Policies

If a host adheres to a flexible cancellation policy, then they allow guests to cancel their stay with full refunds.

Note, though, that this only applies up to a specified number of days before the end of their stay.

A moderate cancellation policy only provides partial refunds, while a strict cancellation policy implies no refunds for cancellations.

Again, this only applies to cancellations made within a specified number of days before or after check-in.

As you can see, when a guest decides to leave early, consequences can apply to both the host and the guest. The host may lose out on potential income whereas a guest may lose a portion of their booking fees.

It’s essential for guests and hosts to communicate the cancellation in-depth before committing to a reservation.

When Guests Want to Leave Early: A Guide for Airbnb Hosts

2. Keep Communications Open with Your Guests

Clear and open communications with your guests can help both of you avoid issues that could arise from early departures.

The key is to encourage your guests to contact you if any concerns arise during their stay.

And if a guest expresses their interest in leaving early, move fast and address the issue professionally and promptly.

Just being available to address any issues is sufficient to change the mind of guests who want to leave early.

3. Have a Contingency Plan in Place

As with all things, Airbnb hosts ought to have contingency plans in place for when unexpected situations arise. This includes early departures.

Questions to ask yourself while coming up with a contingency plan in this regard include the following:

  • Who’ll handle the property as soon as the guest leaves to clean and prepare it for the next ones?
  • What steps can be taken to secure a property if the guest decides to leave early?

Use these questions (and more) to come up with a fool-proof contingency plan. This plan will, in turn, award you peace of mind. It’ll also permit you to respond to early departures in an organized and calm manner.

How to Handle a Guest Who Wants to Leave Early

Dealing with an Airbnb guest can be disruptive and stressful. However, with the preparations highlighted above and the right approach, the impact caused by the issue should be minimal.

You could even find an approach that’s relatively positive for both parties involved.

With that in mind, here are the steps you ought to take to handle a guest that wants to leave early.

1. Responding to the Guest’s Request

When your guest lets you know that they intend to leave early for whatever reason, your first step should be to respond professionally and promptly.

First, acknowledge their request right away. Next, promise that you’ll work with them to find solutions that work for everyone.

Remember to be understanding and empathetic of their situation. And do it even if the whole issue might be an inconvenience to you.

The next step will probably be the most challenging and a tad bit uncomfortable.

2. Discussing Potential Compensation or Refunds

The route you pick in this case will depend on two things. The first is Airbnb’s cancellation policy you agreed to, and the second is the circumstances of the guest’s early departure.

These two will help determine whether you’ll be able to offer the guest compensation or a refund.

For instance, if your guest cancels their stay 48 hours or less before the deadline, they might be eligible for a full refund.

If the guest cancels after that time, however, they might only qualify for a partial refund.

Extensively discuss details of the compensation or refund with your guest until you come to a mutually acceptable solution.

When Guests Want to Leave Early: A Guide for Airbnb Hosts

3. Making Arrangements for Keys and Property Access

If your Airbnb guest wants to leave early, start making arrangements for property access and key exchange right away.

If you’ll be far away, make sure that you have someone available around the area to meet the guest and recover the keys when they leave.

Most hosts prefer arranging a trusted family member or friend to act as the go-between.

If you think this could pose a problem moving forward with future guests, there is an alternative. Consider using keyless entry systems in your properties.

Best Smart Key Locks For Airbnb:

4. Keeping a Record of the Situation

This is a must-do regardless of the outcome of the situation. Ensure that you keep records of the entire situation as well as any agreements that you make with the guest.

This includes saving all notes, messages, or emails in your calendar.

What’s the advantage of having these clear records of everything agreed upon?

Well, it can help prevent and resolve any disputes and misunderstandings that arise down the line.

Next, we’ll take a look at ways you can minimize future early departures.

Minimizing Future Early Departures

Have you been an Airbnb host for a while? If yes, then you know that an Airbnb guest wanting to leave early will be a probable occurrence.

Thankfully, there are several steps you can employ to minimize the number of early departures you’ll experience.

Let’s jump right in and look at some best practices for minimizing the likelihood of early departures.

1. Providing a High-Quality Stay Experience

A key factor that tends to contribute to Airbnb guests wanting to leave early is mismatches in expectations.

This often happens when what guests find at the location doesn’t align with what was painted in the property listing.

By precisely and accurately detailing your property’s offerings. This will help ensure nothing is left open to translation.

In turn, your guest will have the right perception of things they should expect when they get to your property.

Details you’ll need to go over before submitting include amenities offered in the property, size, and location. Clear photos fall under this category as well.

2. Exceptional Customer Service

Offering exceptional customer service and showing you’re invested in ensuring your guest has a good experience is a must. It helps foster a strong relationship between you and your guest.

This, in turn, helps minimize early departures as your guest will be willing to work with you through any issues.

Ways to foster these relationships include being proactive in addressing issues that may arise and promptly responding to all questions.

Do not be shy to go above and beyond with any attainable expectations.

3. Encourage Your Guest to Reach Out

Encouraging your guests to reach out does two things. First, it helps keep their minds at ease. Second, it allows you to deal with issues as soon as they arise.


When an Airbnb guest wants to leave early, the process can be quite stressful. That said, understanding the options and process can help minimize the impact significantly.

As the guest, you’re encouraged to reach out to your host as soon as your issue arises.

If necessary, feel free to seek assistance from Airbnb’s customer service.