Getting a Refund on a Non-Refundable Airbnb

How to Get a Refund on a Non Refundable Airbnb All You Need to Know

Are you excited as you get ready for that ideal holiday after finding what seems to be the perfect Airbnb accommodation? However, life’s unpredictable nature might throw a curveball, pushing you to consider canceling even a ‘non-refundable’ booking. That daunting “non-refundable” label can often be a source of stress and confusion. Is getting your money … Read more

Can Airbnb Take Money from My Account Without Permission?

Can Airbnb Take Money from My Account Without Permission – All You Need to Know

Have you ever wondered about the ins and outs of financial interactions on Airbnb? From booking accommodations to handling damages, understanding the dynamics of charges and payments is crucial for a smooth and secure experience. Can Airbnb take my money from my account without permission? The short answer is no. However, the long one is … Read more

London Airbnb vs. Hotel – Comparison

London Airbnb vs. Hotel – Comparison

London, known for its extensive history, famous buildings, and dynamic culture, provides various accommodation alternatives. The emergence of platforms like Airbnb has increased the options available to travelers. It raises the dilemma of choosing a regular hotel for its elegance and dependability.  Or an Airbnb for its authentic local experience. This age-old debate depends on … Read more

Can I Dispute an Airbnb Charge on My Credit Card? – Explained

Can I Dispute an Airbnb Charge on My Credit Card - Explained

You probably found this article because your credit card was inaccurately charged by Airbnb. Typically, Airbnb would charge your credit card when you make a reservation or booking. This charge is often processed shortly after you confirm the reservation. Sometimes, a charge could be made days after you check out. If you find an unauthorized … Read more

Why Are Airbnb So Expensive? – Explained

Why Are Airbnb So Expensive Explained

Airbnb was originally founded with the idea of renting out spare beds and rooms in private homes to people. It was a less expensive alternative to hotels. Now, many guests complain that the prices of Airbnb are getting out of hand. According to NerdWallet’s Travel Price Index, the price of traveling has increased significantly over … Read more