How to Transfer Airbnb Booking to New Owner – Guide

In the dynamic world of short-term property rentals, situations may arise requiring a shift in management or even ownership.

How to Transfer Airbnb Booking to New Owner – Guide

Airbnb, the pioneer of this trend, has linked cultures and countries by making ordinary houses into one-of-a-kind escapes. Yet, a less-discussed aspect of this platform is the potential need to transfer a booking to a new owner.

Such transitions can be complicated and demanding due to property selling, unforeseen personal circumstances, or other reasons.

How does one seamlessly hand over the reins without disrupting the guest’s experience? Navigating this procedure while upholding Airbnb’s high hospitality standards is an art in and of itself.

Let’s dive into this comprehensive guide to help you understand the nuances of transferring an Airbnb booking to a new owner.

Understanding Airbnb’s Policy on Booking Transfers

Airbnb prioritizes safety, trust, and user satisfaction. The platform doesn’t directly support booking transfers between hosts, mainly to preserve trust and transparency with guests.

Transfers can complicate financial arrangements and misalign guest expectations based on reviews and property details.

While there’s no direct transfer mechanism, hosts can use workarounds like canceling and rebooking. However, it poses challenges like potential fees and ranking impacts.

Open communication with guests and strict adherence to Airbnb’s policies are crucial when booking transfers.

Preparing for the Transfer

Before diving into this complex process, hosts need to undertake steps. It ensures the transfer is as smooth and uneventful as possible.

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of how to prepare:

Evaluate the Necessity

Before initiating any transfer processes, assess the absolute need for it. Are there alternatives to a complete transfer? For instance, could a temporary co-host manage the property in your absence? Understand your motivations to ensure a transfer is the best route forward.

Communicate With Your Guest

Transparency is key. Initiate a conversation with the guest, explaining the situation and potential changes. It not only helps in managing their expectations but also in gauging their comfort level.

Check Local Regulations

Different cities or even neighborhoods can have varying regulations concerning short-term rentals. Understand any legal implications or requirements for transferring your booking. It ensures you don’t end up on the wrong side of the law.

Revisit Airbnb’s Terms and Conditions

Familiarize yourself with Airbnb’s latest terms and conditions. You must know these nuances regarding cancellations, rebookings, and guest communications.

Financial Implications Assessment

Delve into the monetary aspects. Will transferring the booking require refunds or lead to extra charges? Consider security deposits, service fees, and potential pricing differences with the new host.

Having a clear financial blueprint can prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line.

Prepare the New Host

If you’re transferring to a new owner or host, ensure they’re primed for the responsibility. They should be briefed on Airbnb’s host standards, booking specifics, guest preferences, and other vital information.

Consider creating a handover document detailing aspects of the property and guest stay.


Ensure you have all essential documents handy. It includes booking confirmations, guest communications, receipts, and other relevant paperwork. Keep both digital and physical copies, if possible.

Consider the Guest Experience

Remember, for the guest, the primary concern is their stay. Consider any changes that might impact them – amenities, house rules, or the property’s management style.

Aim to provide a seamless experience, even amidst the change.

Backup Plan

Despite your best efforts, there might be unforeseen hiccups. Maybe the guest isn’t comfortable with the changes, or local regulations throw a spanner in the works.

Always have a Plan B; it could involve providing alternative accommodations. Or offering additional perks to the guest for any inconvenience.

Step-By-Step Process to Transfer a Booking

How to Transfer Airbnb Booking to New Owner – Guide

Transferring an Airbnb booking, given the platform’s current stance, is a complex process. However, there are systematic steps hosts can adopt to ensure a smoother transition. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

Open Communication with the Guest

Before anything else, contact your guest and explain the situation. Gauge their comfort level with the potential changes and ensure they’re in the loop throughout the process.

Review Airbnb’s Policies and Terms

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with Airbnb’s most recent cancellations, transfers, and host commitments policies. It ensures you’re operating within the platform’s guidelines and not unknowingly infringing on any terms.

Decide on the Best Approach

Depending on the guest’s comfort and your situation, decide whether to proceed with a booking cancellation. Or keep the booking and change the property’s management.

Cancellation and Rebooking

If both parties agree, the host can cancel the booking (keeping in mind any penalties or implications on their host status). After cancellation, guide the guest to rebook the property under the new host or owner’s listing.

Update Listing Details

If the new owner is taking over your Airbnb listing, all relevant details must reflect this change. Update the photographs, descriptions, house rules, and other pertinent information to align with the new host’s offerings.

Inform Airbnb Support

Reach out to Airbnb’s customer support and brief them about the change, even if it’s just a change in management.

They might provide guidance or need to be aware of the shift, especially if there are any guest concerns later.

Financial Aspects

Ensure any pending payments, refunds, or deposits related to the booking are settled appropriately.

If the guest has made a payment, figure out the logistics of transferring this amount to the new host. Or refund the guest, if necessary.

Transfer of Critical Information

If there are special requests or needs that the guest communicates, ensure these details are transferred to the new host. It ensures a continuous and consistent guest experience.

Final Confirmation to the Guest

Once all steps are completed, communicate again with the guest. Confirm the changes and provide them with any new contact information or details they might need for their stay.

Follow-up After Stay

After the guest’s stay, follow up to gather feedback. It can be invaluable in refining the process for any future transfers and ensuring guest satisfaction.

Considerations When Transferring an Airbnb Booking

How to Transfer Airbnb Booking to New Owner – Guide

Here are some considerations to take when transferring Airbnb booking:

  • Local Regulations: Familiarize yourself with area-specific rules on rentals.
  • Airbnb’s Policies: Stay updated with Airbnb’s terms to avoid violations.
  • Guest Comfort: Assess and maintain the guest’s comfort throughout the process.
  • Financial Aspects: Consider potential refunds, fees, or pricing changes.
  • Reputation: Understand the potential impact on host ratings and reviews.
  • Clear Communication: Keep all parties informed.
  • Plan B: Always have a backup strategy.

Helpful Tips to Ensure a Smooth Transfer

Here are some insightful tips to ensure the process is as smooth as possible:

  • Open Communication: Always keep the lines open with the incoming host and the guest. Clear dialogue prevents confusion.
  • Anticipate Concerns: Think from the guest’s viewpoint and prepare answers for potential questions.
  • Use a Checklist: Document each step to ensure everything is documented during the transition.
  • Review Past Feedback: Reflect on any previous transfers and adapt based on feedback.
  • Leverage Airbnb Resources: Utilize the platform’s forums and guides for insights and support.
  • Clarify Changes: Alert the guest about any amenities or house rules changes in advance.
  • Stay Technologically Updated: Share relevant app or system credentials with the new host.
  • Document Transactions: Keep records of all communications and financial transactions.
  • Offer Tokens of Appreciation: Consider small gestures or discounts for the guest as a goodwill measure.
  • Post-transfer Check-in: Follow up with the guest after the transfer to ensure their comfort.
  • Remain Calm: Approach the situation professionally, focusing on solutions.
  • Educate the New Host: Ensure they understand Airbnb’s standards and expectations.


Transferring an Airbnb booking is rare. However, it can present a unique set of challenges and considerations for hosts.

Whether driven by personal circumstances, a change in property ownership, or for other reasons, it’s vital to approach the situation with thorough preparation, transparency, and utmost regard for the guest’s experience.

Hosts can navigate this complex process smoothly by leveraging Airbnb’s resources, also by maintaining open communication and adhering to both platform guidelines and local regulations.

The goal remains unchanged: to ensure guests have a comfortable, memorable, and seamless experience, even amidst transitions. The world of shared accommodations continues to evolve.

So, the methods and best practices for handling such change will always be with the guest’s well-being at the forefront.