Why Are Airbnb So Expensive? – Explained

Airbnb was originally founded with the idea of renting out spare beds and rooms in private homes to people. It was a less expensive alternative to hotels.

Why Are Airbnb So Expensive Explained

Now, many guests complain that the prices of Airbnb are getting out of hand. According to NerdWallet’s Travel Price Index, the price of traveling has increased significantly over the past few years.

Airbnb pricing index can vary and depending on your budget, Airbnb can be expensive for a couple of reasons.

Why Are Airbnb So Expensive? – Explained

Location and Demand

The most prominent factor in Airbnb pricing is location. You might find budget-friendly rentals for as low as $30 to $50 per night for a basic room or apartment. Although, this will be in less touristy or remote areas.

For a decent private apartment in a popular location, the average price might fall between $80 and $150.

Luxury properties, large homes, and unique accommodations go from $200 to several thousand dollars per night. This is even more so in sought-after or exclusive areas.

Properties in popular tourist destinations, business hubs, or areas with limited accommodations tend to command higher prices.

This is primarily due to high demand. A beachfront property or a downtown apartment, for example, will likely have higher rates compared to a property in a less sought-after area.

Also, properties located near popular attractions, entertainment venues, landmarks, or event spaces often come at a premium.

Type and Quality of Property

The type and quality of the property also affect Airbnb prices. Larger homes or those with unique features like private pools, hot tubs, or stunning views tend to be priced higher.

Luxury amenities, stylish decor, and well-maintained spaces contribute to increased costs.

Holidays and Event Seasons

Prices can vary significantly based on the time of year and local events. High tourist seasons, holidays, festivals, and conferences can lead to increased demand for Airbnb.

Prices can spike when accommodation options are in high demand. For instance, a cabin in a ski resort area might be more expensive during the winter season.

Also, beach destinations might be expensive in summer, and leaf-peeping spots in the fall. These spikes in demands and processes are also seasonal.

The Dynamics of Supply and Demand

Airbnb operates on a supply and demand model. If there’s a limited number of available properties in a specific location, hosts might raise their prices to capitalize on higher demand.

Conversely, an oversupply of accommodations can lead to competitive pricing. Naturally, hosts capitalize on this heightened demand by adjusting their prices upward.

Many hosts maximize their earnings during these peak periods when travelers are willing to pay more for a place to stay.

Costs Incurred by Hosts

Hosts often factor in various costs when setting prices. These can include mortgage or rent payments, property taxes, utilities, insurance, cleaning fees, maintenance, and possibly management fees.

Why Are Airbnb So Expensive Explained

Many hosts own the properties they list on Airbnb. For them, the mortgage payments or rent payments are significant monthly expenses.

Pricing their listing adequately helps them cover these financial obligations. Some hosts also hire help to handle bookings and guest communication.

Regulations and Compliance

In some areas, hosts might need to comply with local regulations or obtain licenses. Accommodations might be limited due to factors like zoning restrictions, preservation efforts, or geographical constraints.

This scarcity of available lodging options leads to increased demand for the existing properties, allowing hosts to charge higher rates which could increase their operating costs.

These costs might be passed on to guests through higher prices. Hosts are also responsible for covering utility costs like electricity, water, heating, and internet for their Airbnb.

Cleaning and Service Fees

Ordinarily, hosts want to ensure a consistent level of cleanliness and hygiene. Many Airbnb listings have cleaning fees or service charges added to the base price.

These fees cover the cost of cleaning the property before and after each guest’s stay. Also, some hosts hire professional cleaning services to thoroughly clean the property.

They also change linens, sanitize surfaces, and prepare the space for the next guest. Other hosts may opt to handle the cleaning themselves. The cleaning fee then covers the host’s time, effort, and costs for cleaning supplies.

Although, cleaning fees are typically disclosed upfront in the listing details. This way, guests can factor them into their decision-making when choosing a property.

Hosts’ Motive to Make a Profit

Of course, hosts primarily aim to generate income from their properties. To ensure a reasonable return on their investment, they might set higher prices to cover expenses and make a profit.

People are also increasingly using Airbnb to establish a new revenue stream. They approach it like a business and want to increase their profits.

In fact, hundreds of hosts rent homes exclusively to rent out their units as Airbnb.


As Airbnb has grown, it has become a competitive marketplace. Hosts typically adjust their prices based on what similar listings are charging in the same area. This helps them remain competitive and attract guests.

Reviews and Ratings

Hosts with consistently positive reviews and high ratings tend to have more demand for their properties. This allows them to charge higher prices based on their reputation for quality and service.

Amenities Provided

Some listings provide unique features like private pools, stunning views, upscale furnishings, and other special amenities. This is inclined to command higher prices.

Certain amenities like hot tubs, saunas, fitness centers, or pet-friendly policies can make a listing stand out. This justifies higher prices for guests seeking those specific features.

Bookings for Large Groups

Why Are Airbnb So Expensive Explained

Accommodating larger groups requires bigger properties with more bedrooms and amenities. Naturally, higher prices are demanded to cover the costs of maintaining and hosting such spaces.

If you’re booking in large groups, discuss the pricing and value with your travel companions. Their perspective might provide insights you hadn’t considered.

What If Your Airbnb Is Overpriced? Is It Worth It?

If you feel that your Airbnb is overpriced, you can research comparable listings. Check similar listings in the same area to see if the price you’re paying is indeed higher than average.

This can give you a better understanding of the market rate for comparable accommodations. Also, assess what you’re getting for the price you’re paying. Does it align with your travel expectations and budget?

Determine whether the higher cost aligns with your overall travel budget and plans.

If you’re really interested in the listing but find it overpriced, you could reach out to the host. Politely inquire if there’s any flexibility in the pricing.

Especially if you’re booking for an extended stay or during off-peak times, you can emphasize this to the host.

There are different ways you can seek and secure a discount from your Airbnb host.

Although, there is no definite guarantee of getting a discount. This approach might not work for every host, but it’s definitely worth trying.


Airbnb prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors. Location, property type, demand, supply, seasonal fluctuations, expenses incurred by hosts, and the desire to maintain profitability.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your priorities, your budget, and what you’re looking for in accommodation.

Although price is an important factor, it’s equally important to assess the value you’ll receive for what you’re paying.