Airbnb Says I Have a Criminal Record: What Should I Do?

Did you receive a notification from Airbnb claiming that a criminal record is associated with your account? If yes, take a deep breath and rest assured that after completing this article, you will be able to tackle the issue.

Airbnb Says I Have a Criminal Record What Should I Do

We’ll help you understand how Airbnb conducts its background checks. You’ll also understand the implications of having your profile associated with criminal activity.

Finally, you will identify actionable steps you can use to resolve the issue.

Airbnb Background Checks

Just like every other platform, Airbnb values customer safety. This is the main reason why it conducts criminal background checks. It began conducting these checks in 2016 on both hosts and guests to ensure maximum protection.

The only information it requires to conduct this check is the individual’s first name, last name, and date of birth. For guests, the check is conducted 10 days prior to the check-in date of the reservation.

If a guest makes a booking within 10 days of check-in, the background check is carried out later.

For hosts, the check is carried out when the host logs in after creating a listing or when a stay is booked.

How an Airbnb Background Check is Conducted?

Airbnb submits the information previously mentioned to any of its background check service providers. These service providers, in turn, check the individual’s identity against records and databases.

The OFAC list, which contains terrorist information, is cross-checked with the person’s information.

For US residents, databases of public state and county criminal records, including national sex offender registries, are cross-checked. For non-US residents, the platform conducts the check to the extent permitted by local laws.

It also obtains a registered sex offenders list if this is acceptable to the jurisdiction.

Implications of Airbnb Background Checks: Can You Rent Airbnb With a Criminal Record?

There are various implications for Airbnb background checks. Let’s discuss them below.

Booking Delays

If your criminal record displays an offense that is not against any of Airbnb’s Policies, your booking will be held with a pending status while the additional information is verified. After this, you’ll be notified as to whether you can book or not.


This depends on how severe the criminal offense or history is. For lesser crimes like disorderly conduct or possession of marijuana, you will not be removed.

Other crimes will likely result in ineligibility for some time after the offense. However, more serious offenses such as murder, rape, terrorism, child molestation, etc. may result in permanent removal.

Are You Eligible for Reinstatement?

Airbnb uses an evidence-based approach to determine if an individual can be reinstated despite his or her criminal history report. Below are the criteria for eligibility:

Criteria for Eligibility

The main factors Airbnb will consider to make a reinstatement decision include:

  • The individual’s age at the time of conviction
  • The time since the last conviction
  • The number of previous convictions
  • Risk of future criminal offenses

However, there are some offenses that render an individual ineligible, and they include:

  • Sexual Violence
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Hate Crimes
  • Terrorism

What Do You Do If Airbnb Says You Have a Criminal Record and Removes Your Account?

Airbnb Says I Have a Criminal Record What Should I Do

Fortunately, the platform has appeal processes. It allows for three different ways you can dispute account removals. You can respond directly to the email that alleges that you have a criminal record.

In addition, you can submit an appeal by either clicking the link that appears when you try to log in or by contacting Airbnb customer service.

When you do this, a team will assess your profile and determine if it is eligible for reinstatement.

Request Your Background Report

If you received an email stating that you have been banned because of something that appeared on your criminal background check, please note that you have the right to request a copy of your background report.

If you have received an adverse decision based on a check conducted by Airbnb, please do not fail to do this.

When you receive this report, please review it properly. If you find any inaccuracies in the report, take them up immediately.

Reasons Not to Rely Solely on the Airbnb Background Check Report

Airbnb expressly states that while it conducts background checks to ensure safety, it should not be solely relied upon.

While this means that Airbnb hosts need to ensure that their guest screening process is fail-proof, it also implies that the platform may wrongly come to the conclusion that an individual has a criminal record.

This is why you need to go through your background check report. As stated by the online marketplace, there may be gaps in public records, and online databases might only be updated periodically.

Although they provided this information to warn prospective guests and hosts to do further research, there is no guarantee that the criminal background check will always come out accurately.

What Other Reasons Can Make Airbnb Say That You Have a Criminal Record?

One reason you may have received a notification stating that you have a criminal record is that the background information supplied to the platform may have included incomplete or inaccurate data, which made Airbnb believe you have a criminal history.

Another reason is that there may be a mix-up between your name and another’s, or your information may have been mixed up with someone who has the same date of birth as you.

Some Airbnb users have also complained of their accounts being deleted because of expunged criminal records that were incorrectly reported.

Airbnb Says I Have a Criminal Record What Should I Do

What Should You Do If You Are Not Being Responded to Adequately?

If you discover any inaccurate information in the criminal background check, you can take it up with Inflection. Inflection is an identity management company that verifies individuals’ identities and backgrounds.

This is the company Airbnb uses to run its criminal record check. Inflection’s parent company, Checker, provides information on how to file a dispute.

If you have done so and, after a reasonable time, have not received a response, please contact a lawyer to help you with Fair Credit Reporting Act violations.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

Every background check company has to adhere to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This act requires that they ensure the maximum possible accuracy when running a check on an individual.

This act also provides that you, as a consumer, have the right to see what is in your report and be notified when the information inside is being used against you.

The good thing is that the Fair Credit Reporting Act provides that any time your lawyer spends handling the case will be paid for by the background check company. This means that you don’t have to worry about costs.


Navigating the issue of Airbnb stating that you have a criminal record requires careful consideration and action. If you are currently in that situation, there is no need to panic.

You need to remain calm and take proactive steps to address the issue. First, ask for the background report, thoroughly go through it, and verify the accuracy of the information provided.

If you believe there is any inaccurate information, kindly take it up with the background check company. Finally, if the information there is valid but you feel it warrants a ban, you can appeal the decision.