Transferring Airbnb Reservation – Guide

When you are planning a vacation or a business trip, Airbnb is a popular platform for finding comfortable accommodations.

Transferring Airbnb Reservation – Guide

However, sometimes unforeseen circumstances may happen, and you may need to transfer your Airbnb reservation to someone else.

Whether it’s a change in plans, scheduling conflicts, or personal reasons, knowing how to transfer your reservation smoothly can save you from potential headaches and financial losses.

In this article, we will delve into the process of transferring an Airbnb reservation step by step.

Transferring an Airbnb reservation is crucial to avoid confusion, miscommunication, and potential disputes.

Following Airbnb’s policies and guidelines ensures a smooth and hassle-free process for the guests and the hosts involved.

Understanding the Airbnb Reservation Transfer Policy

When you book accommodation through Airbnb, you enter into a reservation agreement with the host for specific dates and conditions.

However, sometimes circumstances may happen, and you may need to transfer your reservation to others.

Airbnb allows reservation transfers, but there are guidelines and procedures that you have to follow.

Following them ensures a smooth and hassle-free process.

When is Transferring a Reservation Necessary?

Transferring a reservation on Airbnb is necessary when there are changes in travel plans.

It may be due to unexpected events, scheduling conflicts, health reasons, or personal circumstances.

It also applies when there are accommodation issues or changes in group arrangements.

Understanding when to transfer a reservation allows you to adapt to unforeseen situations and avoid financial losses.

Remember to follow Airbnb’s policy and communicate with the host and customer support for a smooth transfer process.

Transferring a Reservation to Another Guest

Here are the guidelines you have to follow when you are transferring your reservation to another guest:

Contacting Airbnb Support

If you transfer a reservation to another guest, the first step is to contact Airbnb’s customer support team.

Contact them through the Airbnb website or app and provide details about the reservation and your intention to transfer it.

Checking Eligibility

Not all reservations are eligible for transfer. Factors like the reservation dates, the host’s cancellation policy, and other specific circumstances may affect eligibility.

Confirm with Airbnb support whether your reservation qualifies for a transfer.

Obtaining Guest Information

If the transfer is approved, get all the necessary information about the new guest. It includes their full name, email address, and Airbnb account details.

This information is needed for the transfer process.

Host Confirmation

To ensure a smooth transfer, communicate with the current host. Inform them about the plan to transfer the reservation to another guest.

Confirm that the host will accommodate the new guest on the specified dates.

Initiating the Transfer

Contact Airbnb support again and provide them with the new guest’s details. Airbnb’s support team will handle the technicalities and modify the reservation accordingly.

Payment Arrangements

Transferring Airbnb Reservation – Guide

If there are any payment differences between the original reservation and the new one (e.g., rate changes or additional fees), coordinate with the new guest to settle the payment adjustments.

Understanding the original payment details, including all costs and fees, is essential.

Then, discuss payment terms with the new guest, ensuring agreements cover the total cost or make direct payments to Airbnb.

Familiarize yourself with Airbnb’s refund and cancellation policy, as some fees may be refundable during a transfer.

Always use Airbnb’s secure payment platform for all transactions to prevent fraud. After payments are made, confirm receipt and keep Airbnb informed about the arrangements.

Confirming the Transfer

After the transfer process, double-check with Airbnb support to ensure the reservation has been successfully transferred to the new guest.

Also, inform the original guest about the transfer and any changes made to their reservation.

Transferring a Reservation to Another Host

Here are the guidelines you have to follow when transferring your reservation to another host:

Notifying the Current Host

If you want to transfer your reservation to another host, you must communicate with your current host first. Explain your reasons and make sure they are willing to release the reservation.

  • Use Airbnb’s messaging system for direct and documented communication.
  • Be prompt in contacting the host to provide sufficient time for adjustments.
  • Clearly explain the reason for the transfer, whether due to schedule changes or unforeseen events.
  • Approach the host with courtesy and consideration, acknowledging any inconvenience caused.
  • Seek the host’s approval and flexibility for the transfer, respecting their preferences.
  • Provide all relevant details about the new guest, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Maintain open communication throughout the process, addressing any questions or concerns.

Finding a New Host

Search for alternative accommodations with another available host willing to accept your reservation for the exact dates.

  • Search for available listings that match your requirements.
  • Contact potential hosts through Airbnb’s messaging system and explain the transfer.
  • Seek the new host’s approval and consider their reviews and ratings.
  • Communicate clearly with the new host, updating them on any changes.
  • Coordinate with Airbnb support to update reservation details.
  • Confirm the transfer with the new host and express gratitude.

Contacting Airbnb Support

Contact Airbnb’s customer support and inform them about your intention to transfer the reservation to another host.

Please provide them with the new host’s listing details, including the listing title and host’s information to help you modify the reservation.

Transferring Airbnb Reservation – Guide

Confirmation from the New Host

Before proceeding with the transfer, ensure that the new host confirms their availability and willingness to accept your reservation.

This step avoids any last-minute issues and ensures a seamless transfer process.

Airbnb Support Assistance

Airbnb’s customer support will facilitate the transfer process. They will coordinate with you and the new host to make the necessary changes to the reservation.

Reviewing Payment Details

Verify the payment details with the new host, including any potential price differences. Or if there are additional fees that may apply to the new reservation.

Reviewing payment details during the Airbnb reservation transfer is essential for a smooth and secure process.

Start by checking the initial payment terms, including the total amount paid and refundable fees.

Discuss any necessary payment adjustments with the new guest, ensuring both parties know of additional charges or refunds.

Cooperate with Airbnb support to address any discrepancies and update payment details accurately. Use Airbnb’s secure payment system to safeguard transactions.

Confirm payment receipts with the new guest and maintain transparent communication. Verify refund policies to avoid misunderstandings.

By following these steps, you can ensure a transparent and hassle-free financial aspect of the reservation transfer. It fosters trust and clarity for everyone involved.

Double-Checking the Transfer

Confirm with Airbnb support that the reservation has been successfully transferred to the new host.

Additionally, keep the original host informed about the completion of the transfer to maintain transparency.


Transferring an Airbnb reservation is a necessary solution when faced with unexpected changes in travel plans or personal circumstances.

The flexibility provided by reservation transfers allows travelers to adapt to various situations without incurring significant financial losses or cancellation fees.

Whether it’s a change in travel dates, unexpected events, scheduling conflicts, or health reasons, knowing how to transfer a reservation can save time and money.

However, it is essential to be aware of Airbnb’s reservation transfer policy and eligibility criteria.

Clear communication with the host and timely actions are crucial for a successful transfer process.

Transparency and coordination with the new guest ensure a seamless experience for all parties involved.

Following the outlined steps and tips we provided will help you navigate reservation transfers smoothly. It will also maintain your positive experience with Airbnb.

Ultimately, the ability to transfer reservations adds convenience and peace of mind. It allows you to focus on enjoying their trips to the fullest.