What to Do If You Find a Camera in Your Airbnb

Discovering an undisclosed camera in your Airbnb accommodation is a concerning and invasive experience. In an ideal situation, you should be able to enjoy your holiday without worrying about being watched.

What to Do If You Find a Camera in Your Airbnb – Guide

In reality, though, this is not always the case.  Many hosts use cameras for security purposes in common areas. However, it is generally not acceptable to have cameras without proper disclosure.

Here’s a guide on what to do after you find intrusive surveillance of your Airbnb.

Understanding Airbnb’s Rules on Cameras in Your Accommodation

Airbnb’s rules frown on hidden cameras and recording devices in accommodations. It requires hosts to disclose the presence of any surveillance devices in their listings.

All cameras, recording devices, smart gadgets, and monitoring devices are subject to this rule.

Airbnb forbids hidden and covert cameras watching public areas. Any monitoring equipment for a shared area should be installed in an obvious way. It should also be mentioned in the listing description.

Moreso, devices in or watching over private spaces are also forbidden.

Devices should never be utilized to monitor places that are used as private spaces for sleeping or changing. These include restrooms, bedrooms, or public spaces with couch beds.

What’s the Next Course of Action If You Find a Camera in Your Airbnb?

Finding a hidden camera installed in your rental home can be alarming. It is also a serious violation of your privacy. However, try to stay calm and composed. Take a few deep breaths to gather your thoughts.

After you regained composure, this should be your next course of action.

Document the Situation

The first thing to do is document the presence of the camera as evidence. Avoid touching or tampering with the camera, as it may be illegal to do so.

Instead, document its location discreetly. Take pictures or video recordings to capture its position and any identifying features. It’s crucial to have concrete proof that there are covert cameras within your accommodation.

Disconnect Power

If possible unplug or disconnect the power source to ensure it’s not actively recording while you address the situation.

This way, you can ensure that your intimate moments remain intimate. Most of these cameras are designed to be discreet and hard to spot.

Avoid tampering with the camera or removing it from the premises until Airbnb or the appropriate authorities have been notified.

Preservation of evidence may be necessary if further investigation is required. Granted this step is not mandatory. It may prevent any further recording while you address the issue.

Check for Additional Cameras

Conduct a thorough sweep of the entire accommodation to ensure there are no other cameras. If you found one hidden camera, there’s a high probability that there’s more.

Cameras can be disguised as ordinary objects. Smoke detectors, wall clocks, or small decorative items. Take a close look at these objects, especially if they seem out of place or have an unusual design.

Contact the Host

What to Do If You Find a Camera in Your Airbnb – Guide

Reach out to the host to inquire about the camera. Give them a chance to explain the situation they may have a legitimate reason for their placement, such as security in common areas or disclosure in the listing.

Cameras used for safety purposes, such as security cameras outside the property, are generally acceptable by Airbnb.

However, this does not justify hidden cameras in private spaces without explicit consent. Hosts should still disclose their presence in the listing.

Hosts must explicitly disclose any cameras or other surveillance equipment in the listing’s description or house rules.

They should specify the locations of the cameras. This refers to whether they are present in common areas or private spaces like bedrooms and bathrooms.

Also, hosts are not allowed to place cameras in private spaces even if they disclose them. Places like this are bedrooms, bathrooms, or other areas where guests have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Cameras should never be used to monitor guests without their knowledge and consent in private areas. Also, hosts are not allowed to live stream footage from cameras in the listing.

If you suspect the camera’s presence is malicious, you could then resort to other options.

Consider Local Laws

Research the laws regarding surveillance cameras in the area where you are staying. In many places, it is illegal to record someone without their consent in private areas.

Although there might be different privacy policies from one state to another, hidden cameras are usually illegal. Some states have legislation concerning hidden cameras.

In New York, for instance, a homeowner has the legal right to install a hidden camera on their personal property. However, privacy rules prohibit recording any moments in which there is an expectation of privacy.

Also, you should review Airbnb’s policies regarding hidden cameras and privacy violations.

You Might Have to Involve Law Enforcement

Do this If you suspect illegal activity or believe your privacy has been violated. Consider contacting local law enforcement to report the incident. They will be able to conduct a proper investigation into the matter.

Also, seek legal advice. If you believe your privacy has been compromised and the issue is not adequately resolved, consider consulting with a lawyer. They can advise you on your rights and legal recourse.

Leave the Area

If the camera is in a private space like a bedroom or bathroom, leave the room immediately. The most important thing is to protect your privacy.

Respect the property and do not tamper with any objects or equipment. Doing so may violate the terms of service or local laws.

Contact Airbnb Support

Airbnb rules clearly prohibit the use of surveillance devices in private areas of the rental. If you find any undisclosed camera in the bathroom or the bedroom, get in touch with Airbnb’s customer support as soon as possible.

Use their app or website to report the issue or find their contact information and call them directly. Explain the situation and provide any evidence you’ve collected.

They will guide you on how to proceed further and may also offer assistance in finding a new place to stay if needed.

If you suspect that you’re in any way unsafe. You can contact the Airbnb safety team.

Request a Refund

What to Do If You Find a Camera in Your Airbnb – Guide

You could ask Airbnb for a refund and request to be relocated to a different accommodation. It is understandable that you might feel uncomfortable or violated due to the camera’s presence.

Leave a Review

After resolving the situation with Airbnb, consider leaving an honest review about your experience. Mention the presence of the camera, and how the situation was handled.

Also, mention whether the host took appropriate measures. This would help other potential customers to be mindful and protect their privacy.

You can help other travelers make informed decisions about staying at the same property.


Sadly, Airbnb doesn’t provide a lot of information on what to do if you discover a camera in your rental. This is because the issue of spying is a relatively new one. Still, Airbnb prioritizes your safety and privacy.

Therefore, they take issues like this seriously. Any violation of your privacy rights is a serious matter. However, be tactful in your approach.

Always be vigilant when staying in unfamiliar places. You should make sure the area is safe before settling in.  Also, report any suspicious activity immediately.