Can Individuals with a Felony Record Use Airbnb? – Explained

Navigating the world of accommodations can be complex for individuals with felony convictions.

Many people are curious about how Airbnb’s restrictions and background checks affect those with a problematic past as its popularity grows.

Can a Felon Rent an Airbnb All You Need to Know

For felons, booking a vacation or finding temporary lodging can become a maze of policies, background checks, and uncertainties.

The platform strives to maintain the safety and trust of hosts and guests. How does this affect individuals who have made mistakes in the past?

Can someone with a felony enjoy the comforts of an Airbnb stay? Or are they faced with doors closed due to their history? Let’s dive in and explore the nuances and complexity of this issue.

Can a Felon Rent an Airbnb?

Airbnb does not ban felons from using their platform. However, it performs background checks.

If your background check reveals certain types of criminal convictions, Airbnb may disallow you to book stays or experience or ban you from the platform.

Airbnb’s Policy on Criminal Records

Airbnb’s priority has always been to ensure a safe and trustworthy environment for its vast community of hosts and guests. The platform has implemented policies and procedures to screen its users to a certain extent.

Background Check System

Airbnb uses a system of background checks to sift through public records and databases to identify past criminal convictions. It is not just for guests but also for hosts. They aim to balance between inclusivity and safety.

Factors Considered

Not all criminal records are treated the same. Some convictions after a check might lead to a denial or suspension from Airbnb.

It includes but is not limited to, violent crimes, sexual offenses, terrorism-related convictions, and human trafficking. These are offenses that Airbnb believes could pose a direct threat to its community.

Discretionary Decision

Airbnb does not discriminate or disallow anyone from using their platform. It means that even if someone has a felony or misdemeanor on their record, it doesn’t automatically disbar them from using Airbnb.

The conviction’s nature, timing, and specifics are significant.

Transparency is Key

Airbnb advises users to be upfront about potential issues. Communicating directly with Airbnb is helpful. It is beneficial if the prospective host or guest thinks they might be flagged during a background check.

There have been instances where users were allowed to use the platform after providing adequate context and evidence of rehabilitation.

Appeals and Reviews

Airbnb has a process where you can contact their customer service for an appeal or review. It is helpful if you believe you are wrongly denied or suspended due to inaccuracies in the report or other reasons.

Since Airbnb background check has limitations, some users have been banned or canceled bookings for inaccuracies.

Regular Updates

Airbnb’s policies and procedures are subject to change, like many platforms. The company continually reviews and refines its policies based on feedback, incidents, and societal changes.

Checking Airbnb’s official policy pages for the latest updates is always good.

While Airbnb does have a structured policy regarding criminal records, it doesn’t adopt a one-size-fits-all approach.

The company attempts to balance safety concerns by giving individuals a second chance and understanding the broader nuances associated with criminal convictions.

How Felonies Might Impact Airbnb Rental Chances

Can a Felon Rent an Airbnb All You Need to Know

The presence of a felony on one’s record can raise eyebrows in society, and Airbnb rentals are no exception.

However, the potential impact of felonies on Airbnb rental opportunities isn’t uniformly black and white. It’s essential to understand the specifics:

Nature of the Felony

Like many other entities, Airbnb differentiates between types of felonies.

A violent crime, sexual offense, human trafficking, or fraud-related conviction will likely be viewed more than a non-violent drug-related charge. The platform is primarily concerned with ensuring the safety of its community.

So, crimes that suggest potential harm to others are particularly problematic.

Recency of the Conviction

Time plays a significant role. A crime conviction that occurred 20 years ago might be viewed differently than the 10 years. Understand that people can and do change.

Airbnb might be more lenient if considerable time has elapsed since the felony and there are no recent legal issues.

Felony burglary or felony larceny that are less than 14 years or fraud and property damage of 7 years are subject to review or removal.

Frequency of Convictions

A one-time mistake could be seen differently than a series of repeated offenses. Multiple felonies or a pattern of criminal behavior might raise more concerns than a single, isolated incident.

Context Matters

Sometimes, the story behind the felony is crucial. If the individual can provide context that paints the felony in a different light or underscores their rehabilitation and positive change since then, Airbnb might reconsider its initial stance.

Host Discretion

It’s important to note that individual hosts also have a say in who rents their property. Even if Airbnb allows a felon to use the platform. Hosts might still have reservations based on the potential guest’s criminal history.

Rehabilitation and References

Demonstrating your commitment to rehabilitation can positively influence rental chances. Completing rehabilitation programs or showcasing your positive involvement in community activities can be beneficial.

Additionally, references from previous landlords or character references can help offset the potential negative impact of a felony.

Feedback and Reviews

Positive reviews and feedback can go a long way for those who have successfully rented through Airbnb or similar platforms. They provide proof of good behavior and reliability, which can reassure hosts.

Creating a Trustworthy Profile Considerations

Crafting an authentic and reliable profile is important when joining platforms that rely on mutual trust, such as Airbnb. Your profile is often the first point of interaction, acting as a virtual handshake.

Here’s how to ensure it resonates with trustworthiness:

Genuine Photographs:

  • Use a clear, recent profile picture where your face is easily visible. It gives your profile a human touch and assures hosts/guests of your authenticity.

Complete Profile Information:

  • Fill out all the sections of your profile. An incomplete profile can seem sketchy or look like you have something to hide.

Transparent and Honest Descriptions:

  • Be genuine in your self-description. Talk about your interests, what you do, and why you use the platform. Avoid being overly embellished or providing false information.

Can a Felon Rent an Airbnb - All You Need to Know


  • Platforms like Airbnb allow users to verify their identity through government IDs, phone numbers, or social media. Completing these verifications boosts your profile’s trustworthiness.

Initial Reviews:

  • When starting, ask friends or family who’ve also used the platform to leave you a review. It provides initial credibility. Over time, as you host or stay at places, accumulate positive reviews to build trust.

Address Concerns Proactively:

  • If you believe something in your background might raise questions (like a felony), consider addressing it promptly. Explain how you’ve changed or the circumstances surrounding it.

Engage Actively:

  • Respond promptly to messages or inquiries. Active engagement indicates responsibility and reliability.

Consistency Across Platforms:

  • If you’re using multiple platforms, maintain consistency in your information and presentation. It ensures you appear genuine and reduces suspicion.

Building a trustworthy profile revolves around authenticity, transparency, and engagement. Ensure your profile reflects the genuine “you.”

Proactively addressing potential concerns sets the foundation for positive interactions and successful stays or hosting experiences.


Navigating the world of accommodations as a felon presents unique challenges, especially on platforms like Airbnb, where trust and safety are essential.

Airbnb’s policies aim to ensure the well-being of its community. It tries to recognize every individual’s journey and circumstances are distinct.

Not every felony is viewed through the same lens, and mitigating factors can significantly influence decisions. Individuals with a criminal background must be aware of these nuances, be transparent, and seek to build trust.

As society progresses, platforms like Airbnb will hopefully continue to refine their policies. It strikes a balance between ensuring safety and providing opportunities for reintegration and second chances.